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LOVE( 原创都市情感剧)
(音乐渐隐)男: 《 DRIVERLESS our performance 全体演员自我介绍Good evening ladies and gentlemen, tonight, our play is LOVE 》 ,a moving and beautiful love story, I believe thatwill
(音乐渐隐)男: 《 DRIVERLESS our performance 全体演员自我介绍
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, tonight, our play is LOVE 》 ,a moving and beautiful love story, I believe that
bring you a good night ! Thank
you very much!
演员下 道具准备
第一幕 (旁白 声音中性)他们结婚十年了,曾经的激情早已被琐碎的生活消磨殆尽,争吵和摩擦 成了生活的主旋律。终于,在一个晚上,他们之间爆发了认识以来最激烈的一场争吵。曾 经美好的感情像无人驾驶的汽车,究竟会驶向何方?(声音渐隐)
After they got married for ten years, the passion had disappeared with the trivial things in daily life. Quarreling and conflict have become the main theme of life. Finally, in one night, the fiercest war had happened since they know each other. The once beautiful emotion just likes a driverless car. Where will it go for?
(丈夫坐于电脑前正查看着沪深两市的股票行情, 得知自己的股票大跌, 表情沮丧。 妻子正 在厨房忙着准备晚餐,叮叮当当)
夫(沮丧的大喊) :又跌了,真他妈倒霉!
Oh,shit !my stocks has dropped again ,what a bad luck !
妻(从厨房探出半个身子,手拿炊勺) :老公,帮我买袋盐去,家里的盐用完了!
Daring, our salt was used up,go and buy some for me! 夫(不耐烦的抬起头) :没看我正忙着吗?(说完又双眼盯着电脑屏幕) Don tyou see im busy now!
妻(从厨房走出,手在围裙上擦了擦,走到丈夫身边) :我今晚给你做好吃的,赶快买盐去, 别磨蹭了。(说完一把把电脑关上了) 。
Darling, Im making delicious supper for you, come on! dont wait
夫(特别生气妻关了电脑对妻怒吼) :你干什么啊?没看到我正在买股票吗?(说完又想去 开电脑)
Hey ,what are you doing, dont you know Im buying stocks! 妻(再次把电脑关闭) :你整天就知道买股票,买股票,家里的钱都快被你赔光了,你什么 时候才能顾顾这个家啊!
Stocks , you are buying stocks all day long and you almost spent all of our money! I just wonder when you could take care of this family!
夫(听完妻的话后恼羞成怒 暴跳如雷):我买股票,拼命赚钱是为了什么,还不是为了这个
Our family ,Our family, I bought stocks and tried my best to make money, what I did ,was just to make you live better! now you are tried of me ,you can marry anther rich man !go away! go!
妻(听完夫的话后伤心欲绝) : 好,我走!(边说边走向门口)
Well ,thats what you always think ,I will go and wont bother you any more! 夫(指着门口) :滚!!
Get out ! 妻(用手捂着嘴哭着摔门而去) 第二幕