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船舶防抗台须知 Instruction for defend-typhoon 船舶防台应贯彻“以防为主,防抗结合,适时早避,留有余地”的方针,在船长指挥下,确保船舶安全。 Vessel’s defend-typhoon should carry out the rule “Prevention is first, Defend combines with resist, Avoid early, margin Enough”. Ensure the ship’s safety under the command of captain. 在港口防台指挥部的统一指挥下做好防台工作,并加强与岸上其它有关部门的联系。 Under the command of port defend-typhoon headquarters, take measure to defend typhoon, strengthen the communication with other relevant department. 船长应主动多渠道了解港口防台规定和当地防台的历史经验教训,因地制宜采取预防措施。凡检修主机,必须征得当地港口主管机关同意。 Captain should get the defend-typhoon regulations of port and local experiences, take precaution accordingly. Before overhaul main engine, should get the approval of local port authority. 当港口悬挂台风一号风球(或对本港有影响)时,应立即通知上岸船员回船,积极做好防台准备,宁可防而不来,不可来而无备。船长应亲自检查各部门防台准备工作情况,真正做到思想,组织和技术措施“三落实”。 When no.1 wind ball is hung, should inform crew onshore to come back and prepare for defend-typhoon. Captain should check all department’s preparation in mental, organizing, technicology. 有关防台措施,现场观察资料及遇到的重大问题,应认真记入航海日志,每次防台工作都要按公司要求认真总结,改进不足之处。 Defend-typhoon measure, observing data and encountering important matter should be filled in log book. Summarize the defend-typhoon work after typhoon based on the demand of company and improve the shortage. 锚泊防台 Defend-typhoon in anchorage 锚泊防台应选择底质好,有足够水深,并能遮蔽最大施虐风向及长浪的锚位,应与附近船只及障碍物保持足够的安全距离,应尽量避免在风口和水流湍急之处下锚防台。 Place for anchorage: good quality seabed, sufficient water in depth, countering against winds and waves, enough distance with dangerous obstructive objects and other vessels. Avoid drop anchor in wind mouth and turbulent current. 由港方指定的防台泊位,若船长认为该泊位不能保障安全时,应及早向港方提出调整。移泊的时间应主动与港方商量,留有余地,防止措手不及。 If captain think the anchor position ordered by port authority is unsafe for defend-typhoon, should connect with port authority for adjustment. 锚泊抗台应尽量减少受风面积,尤应尽量减少首部的受风面积,稍有首纵倾也好。 Defend-typhoon in anchorage should reduce the area to bear wind, especially reduce bows to bear the wind even if a little of fore-and-aft lean. 一点锚法(单点抛双锚法) 一


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