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软件工程复习资料-英文 Lecture 1 An In troducti on to Software Engin eeri ng what does software engin eeri ng concern? 1) Software engineering is concerned with theories , methods and tools for professi onal software developme nt. 2) Software engineering is concerned with cost-effective software developme nt. What is software? Software in cludes: computer programs data structures documents What is the two types of software products Gen eric software( 通用软件)and custom software (定制软件) The three key eleme nts of a successful software project are: on time , within budget , satisfies the user s needs Gen eric activities in all software processes are: Specification (描述),Developme nt (开发),Validati on (有效性验证) Evolution (进化) The attributes of good software include: Maintainability (可维护性),Dependability (可依赖性),Efficiency (有效 性)9 Acceptability (可接受 Lecture 2 Software Processes What is a software process model A software process model is an abstract represe ntati on of a software process. It prese nts a descripti on of a process from some particular perspective. Draw the graphic presentation of Waterfall model and describe its character. 1) 这种模型把软件过程划分成几个顺序的阶 段。阶段间具有依赖性,前一个阶段结束,后 一个阶段才能开始; 2) 这种模型很难对用户变更做出调整,只适用 于需求非常清楚和需求变更被严格限制的情 况下 Describe the basic principle of evolutionary development and its two types 进化式开发的基本思想是先开发一个原 型给用户使用,通过用户反馈意见来不断修改 系统直到最后成熟,所以又被称作快速原型开 发方法。它不主张将描述、开发和有效性验证 等活动分开进行,而是让这些活动迭代执行, 同时让这些活动能得到快速的反馈信息。 进化式开发有两种基本类型:探索式开发 和抛弃式原型法。 Draw the graphic prese ntati on of in creme ntal delivery and describe its character f Define outline \ icqiiircmciitsvol op system kiciementValidate incrementTdiMgnEt[丿 f Define outline \ icqiiircmciits vol op system kiciement Validate increment TdiMgnEt[丿 * t 严mu 丿 sysiein Final system 在这种开发方式中,系统不是作为一个整体 交付,而是被分解成若干个增量,每个增量交付 系统的部分功能。用户的需求按优先级排队,优 先级最高的需求被放入最早交付的增量中。这 样,优先级最高的系统功能就 得到最多的测试, 系统的可靠性较高。 5 Describe the characters of Spiral developme nt. (对照模型去理解) Process is represented as a spiral rather than as a sequenee of activities wi


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