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临沂大学外国语学院本科毕业论文 临沂大学外国语学院本科毕业论文 临沂大学 毕业论文(设计) 礼貌原则在商务英语写作中的应用 姓 名 学 号 年 级 专 业 系 (院) 指导教师 Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to express my sin cere gratitude and appreciati on to my supervisor Jia Yongqing, for his support, patienee, and enlightenment throughout my academic program, and for spe nding so much time and efforts in read ing and revis ing this thesis. His in sightful advice and professi onal guida nee is esse ntial to the completi on of this thesis. Also my heart felt tha nks go to all the teachers and classmates who have helped me duri ng my four-year study in the Linyi Un iversity. Thank them for their gen erosity and kindness in helping me when I met with difficulties. Without them, this thesis could not have bee n completed. Last but not least, I would like to say tha nks to my pare nts and my brother for their love care, support and en courageme nt. PAGE PAGE # Abstract Busin ess letters are the letters which can be used to con tact differe nt econo mic bodies in tradi ng. They are used in special field with its own disti nctive forms, which can be used for testim oni als. But bus in ess letters should pay more atte nti on to the social etiquette. With the developme nt of econo mics, bus in ess letters have become an importa nt way to com muni cate. By sending bus in ess letters to each other, we can excha nge in formati on, con tact bus in ess ,n egotiate and solve the problems existed in trading, and also promote friendship. Because of its characters and functions, in bus in ess letters, polite ness should be paid more atte nti on. En glish bus in ess corresp ondence is one of the basic ways of bus in ess com muni cati on, which functions as not on ly a useful means to excha nge in formatio n but also an importa nt tool to build and enhance bus in ess relatio ns, thus requires a high degree of polite ness. It is n ecessary for us to study the polite ness prin ciple and its applicati on in bus in ess writi ng. Key words: polit



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