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光/电化学测试在光催化中的应用(一) Photo/electrochemistry in Photocatalysis;Allen J. Bard;电化学阻抗谱 (Electrochemical Impedance Spectrum, EIS) 光电化学电池测试 (Photoelectrochemical Cell, PEC) 电催化表征 (Electrocatalysis);电化学阻抗谱 (Electrochemical Impedance Spectrum, EIS) ;?;EIS 向量;如何读图 (界面!界面!界面!重要的事情说三遍!);;坐标轴起点从(0,0)开始 横坐标与纵坐标尺度保持一致 严禁用软件模拟替代试验测试结果;如何画图 ;the Nyquist plots exhibit a depressed semi-circle at the high frequency range, followed by a linear slope in the low frequency region, which is called Warburg resistance resulting from the frequency dependence of ions diffusion/transport in the electrolyte. The equivalent series resistance (ESR) of the electrode can be obtained from the x intercept of the Nyquist plot. The ESR of NiMoO4 and CoMoO4 electrode are 3.48 Ω and 3.59 Ω, respectively. The diameter of semi-circle corresponds to the charge transfer resistance caused by Faradic reactions in parallel with the double-layer capacitance at the electrode electrolyte interface. According to the enlarged plots, the size of the semicircle, which equals the charge transfer resistance Rct, is smaller for the NiMoO4 electrode (0.8 Ω) compared to that of the CoMoO4 electrode (1.2 Ω), indicating that the binder-free electrode design could greatly improve the conductivity, thus leading to enhanced electrochemical properties.. (Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 13273-13279);光电化学电池测试 Photoelectrochemical Cell, PEC;三电极体系;(此处非硬广,请自觉无视水印);J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132 (21), pp 7436–7444;Data from Michael Gratzel’s group, not published;Charge transfer rate = Jss/Jinst;电催化测试(光催化助催化剂的性能 表征) Electrocatalysis (co-catalysts for photocatalysis);We are family…;助催化剂的电化学性能表征;怒刷存在感;Overpotential Onset potential;Nature Communications 2016, 7, 11981;一个有意思的问题。。。;;鲁金毛细管;欧姆电势降 iR-drop;Uapp = U - iRs;再次见面 请多关照;小 结;;一些文献,墙裂推荐 (按本人心情排序,排名不分先后);祝大家研究生活爽,多出好成果


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