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PAGE PAGE I 8万吨污水处理厂工艺设计计算说明书 摘要:本设计采用了UCT作为主体工艺,UCT工艺是一项新兴的污水处理工艺,在除磷,脱氮及脱氮除磷方面有独特的效果。因此,研究UCT工艺的设计技术,可以为改善城市废水的除磷脱氮效果提供非常重要的理论基础。而且,该工艺更具有广泛的适应性,完全符合本设计的实际要求。本工艺的主要构筑物包括格栅、污水泵房、平流沉砂池、好氧池、厌氧池、缺氧池、二沉池、接触消毒池、浓缩池、污泥脱水机房等。多功能UCT工艺,可根据水量、水质的变化和季节的不同可以将系统调整为常规UCT、改良UCT、A2/0和倒置A2/O等四种不同的处理工艺,这样就保证了在不同的环境条件下都可以能达到最佳的运行工况。运行结果表明,该工艺不但具有较高的COD、BOD、SS去除率,而且解决了其他工艺在脱氮除磷时存在的问题,各项出水指标均达到了设计要求。 关键词:城市污水处理; UCT工艺设计;脱氮;除磷 PAGE PAGE II The jintan city 80000 t/d sewage treatment plant of graduation design Abstract: This design have adopted the UCT process, UCT process is a new sewage treatment process, in the phosphorus, nitrogen and nitrogen and phosphorus removal has a unique effect. Therefore, the study (UCT) process design techniques can improve the effects of urban wastewater nitrogen and phosphorus provide an important theoretical basis. The advantage of this comprehensive craft is extensive adaptability , totally suitable for reality originally designed purpose. Its main structures includes gate well , grid , sewage pumping house , earate and sinking sand pool , oxidizing ditch , the second sinking pool, contacting pool , concentration tank , mud to dehydrate in the computer lab etc. Multi-UCT process, according to water quality, quantity and seasonal changes in the system flexibility to adjust the different conventional UCT, improved UCT, A2 / O and the inverted A2 / O such as four different treatment processes, to ensure the environment in different can achieve under the best operating conditions. The result shows that the process has both a high COD, BOD, SS removal efficiency, but also resolved when the other process in nitrogen and phosphorus removal problem, the water index reached the design requirements. Keywords: Municipal Wastewater Treatment; UCT Process design; Denitrification, Phosphor 常州大学本科生毕业设计 第 第 PAGE 9 页 共 40 页 常州大学本科生毕业设计 1. 绪论 需要整套毕业设计图纸的请加QQ1552025464 1.1课题研究的意义  随着工农业生产迅速发展和人民生活水平不断提高,用水紧张和污水排放问题变得十分突出。目前,我国城镇大部分生活污水采用的是直接排放的方式,没有采取应有


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