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第 PAGE \* Arabic 1页 共36页 有机颜料生产废水处理工艺设计计算说明书 摘 要:我国是颜料生产大国,近几年颜料生产更是稳居榜首。在带来巨大经济利益的同时,颜料废水处理成为了迫在眉睫的事。合理的处理颜料废水,不仅可以解决我国的水资源严重短缺,水污染状况日益加剧的问题,还能变废为宝,创造更高的经济效益。 本文综述了颜料的种类;介绍了颜料废水治理技术研究现状,以及各方法的特点和其在废水处理中的应用,为颜料废水处理方法的选择提供了有价值的依据。本次设计主要采用铁炭电解——生物接触氧化联合处理工艺。对铁炭电解技术的作用机理,优、缺点,以及影响因素等方面进行阐述分析;对生物技术在废水处理工艺中的应用,分别从好氧、厌氧和好氧—厌氧三个方面进行了阐述,并列举了当前国内外相关生物处理技术的发展情况。 铁炭电解——生物接触氧化联合处理工艺处理高浓度颜料废水,是被实践证明了的切实可行的方法。设计中,作为预处理的微电解阶段,以1:1.5为铁炭比,pH=3,停留30min,120min曝气时间,效果较好;生物接触氧化时采用二级强化生物滤池也就是A/O/A/O池,此时处理出水水质能稳定地达到国家一级排放标准。 关键词:有机颜料;铁炭电解;生物接触氧化;联合处理 The design of 300m3/d organic pigments wastewater treatment process Abstract: China is a big country in paint production,in recent years, pigment production is in the top. To bring huge economic benefits at the same time,dyestuff wastewater treatment became imminent.Reasonable treatment of dye wastewater, not only can solve the serious shortage of water resources, water pollution has exacerbated the problems, but also waste to treasure, and create more economic benefits. Types of pigments article also summarized; describes the status of wastewater treatment technology research, and the characteristics of each method and its application in wastewater treatment, and provides a valuable basis for the selection of wastewater treatment. Aspects of the mechanism of iron-carbon electrolysis technology, advantages and disadvantages, as well as factors such as elaborate analysis; the application of biotechnology in the wastewater treatment process, respectively, from the aerobic, anaerobic and aerobic-anaerobic three described, and cited the current development situation of domestic and foreign-related biological treatment technology. Iron and carbon electrolysis - biological contact oxidation process combined treatment of high concentration pigment wastewater is proved a practical approach. Design, as the micro-electrolysis stage pretreatment to 1:1.5 for the iron-carbon ratio, pH=3, stay 30min, 120min aeration time, the better; when using



生态环境工程师魏老师 + 关注


