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基于arduino的智能小车的设计 PAGE 48 基于Arduino单片机的智能避障小车的设计与实现 摘要 本文简要介绍了基于智能轮式移动机器人智能避障设计与实现一种基于Arduino新型集成开发环境的超声波避障小车的工作原理。其中包括对小车的执行组件、搭建结构、传感器、Arduino单片机软件编程及试验结果的介绍。 本方案以Arduino单片机为控制核心,基于蝙蝠超声波测距的原理,利用超声波传感器,检测小车前方障碍物的距离,然后把数据传送给单片机。当超声波检测到距离小车前方25CM有障碍物时单片机就发出指令让小车左转一定角度,然后停止行进继续探测.如果前方25CM没有障碍物则直行,否则继续左转一定角度。如此通过超声波不断的循环检测周边环境的情况进行自动避障。 本系统在硬件设计方面,以Arduino单片机为控制核心,以超声波传感器检测前方障碍物,从而自动避障。在软件方面,利用Arduino语言进行编程,通过软件编程来控制小车运转。该系统在驱动方面采用L298N驱动2个直流电机带动小车运行。并且,用PWM系统调速,控制小车前进的速度。实现小车根据外部环境,做出前进、后退和转向等动作,从而完成避障的功能,本设计具有有一定的实用价值。 关键词:Arduino单片机;超声波传感器;避障 Abstract This paper describes the design of mobile robot behavior-based design and implement A new ultrasound-based integrated development environment Arduino obstacle avoidance car works. These include the implementation of car components, building structures, sensors, Arduino microcontroller software programming and test results presentation. The program to Arduino microcontroller core, based on the principle of ultrasonic distance measurement bats using ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles in front from the car, and then transmits the data to the microcontroller. When the ultrasonic distance in front of the car detects obstacles 25CM SCM issued a directive to make the car turn left on an angle, then continue probing stop traveling. If there is no obstacle in front of the 25CM straight, turn left or continue certain angle. So the case of the ultrasonic continuous loop through the surrounding environment to automatically detect avoidance. The system hardware design to Arduino microcontroller core, with ultrasonic sensors detect obstacles in front, so that automatic obstacle avoidance. On the software side, the use of Arduino programming language to control the car running through software programming. The system uses the driver side L298N drive two DC motors drive the car running. And, with the PWM system speed, speed control car forward. Realize the car according to the external environment, made forward,


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