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商丘工学院 PAGE PAGE 4 基于php幼儿园综合管理系统 专 业: 计算机科学与技术 学 号:1113010151 学生姓名: 孙莹莹 指导教师:王艳丽 摘要 21世纪以来,人类社会跨入了信息化时代。以信息及时为代表的高新技术促进了社会经济的高速发展,同时也已经在各个方面改变了我们的工作和生活方式。? 信息管理系统是指基于计算机、通信网络等现代化的工具和手段,服务于信息处理的系统。在幼儿园中实施信息管理系统不仅可以在实现办公自动化的同时,同时也提高幼儿园管理水平、教学质量和为家长服务的质量。但在目前市场上适用于幼儿园的信息管理系统软件数量不多,且质量也参差不齐。本文主要论述幼儿园信息管理系统的设计、开发、实现和维护,并探讨系统的适用性以及功能的高效率。? 针对幼儿园用户的实际情况,确定了软件模式为B/S,数据库产品采用mysql。系统的使用不仅可以提高幼儿园管理水平,还可以减少办园经费,提高幼儿园的运作效率。同时也对教师也能很方便的了解到学生的信息。实施针对性的教育。 关键词:MySQL ;管理系统;php; Abstract Since twenty-first Century, human society has entered the information age. The high and new technology represented by information in time has promoted the rapid development of social economy, and has changed the way of our work and life. Information management system is based on computer, communication network and other modern tools and means to serve the information processing system. The implementation of information management system can not only realize the office automation, but also improve the management level, teaching quality and the quality of service for the parents. But in the current market for kindergarten information management system software is not much, and the quality is uneven. This paper mainly discusses the design, development, implementation and maintenance of kindergarten information management system, and discusses the applicability and efficiency of the system. According to the actual situation of kindergarten users, the software model is B/S, and the database products are mysql. The use of the system can not only improve the level of kindergarten management, but also reduce the cost of running the park, improve the efficiency of the kindergarten. At the same time, it is also very convenient for teachers to understand the students information. Implement targeted education. Keywords: MySQL; management system; php; 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 第一章绪论 1 1.1课题研究目的 1 1.2课题研究的意义 1 第二章系统分析 1 2.1 背景分析 1 2.2 系统开发步骤 2 2.3 用户需求


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