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ERDAS Field Guide™
Fifth Edition, Revised and Expanded
ERDAS , Inc.
Atlanta, Georgia
Copyright 1982 - 1999 by ERDAS , Inc. All rights reserved.
First Edition published 1990. Second Edition published 1991.
Third Edition reprinted 1995. Fourth Edition printed 1997.
Fifth Edition printed 1999.
Printed in the United States of America.
ERDAS proprietary - copying and disclosure prohibited without express permission from ERDAS, Inc.
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The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
The ERDAS Field Guide™ was originally researched, written, edited, and designed by Chris Smith and Nicki Brown of ERDAS, Inc.
The Second Edition was produced by Chris Smith, Nicki Brown, Nancy Pyden, and Dana Wormer of ERDAS, Inc., with assistance from
Diana Margaret and Susanne Strater. The Third Edition was written and edited by Chris Smith, Nancy Pyden, and Pam Cole of
ERDAS, Inc. The fourth edition was written and edited by Stacey Schrader and Russ Pouncey of ERDAS, Inc. The fifth edition was
written and edited by Russ Pouncey, Kris Swanson, and Kathy Hart of ERDAS, Inc. Many, many thanks go to Brad Skelton, ERDAS
Engineering Director, and the ERDAS Software Engineers for their significant contributions to this and previous editions. Without
them this manual would not have been possible. Thanks also to Derrold Holcomb for lending his expertise on the Enhancement
chapter. Many others at ERDAS provided valuable comments and suggestions in an extensive review process.
A special thanks to those industry experts w
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