农业技术高中英语话题 教学PPT课件.pptx

农业技术高中英语话题 教学PPT课件.pptx

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高中英语话题:农业技术; How are you doing? It has been a long time since I wrote to you. As a result, I would like to share my experience that I took part in our sports meeting with you. In order to encourage students to build up their bodies after class, our school held 27th sports meeting from December 15th to 18th. And I took part in the 1000-meter race. To win the race, I kept on practicing for 3 weeks before the match. On that day, I tried my best to run to the ; final line. Unluckily, I fell behind others soon, which made me nervous. Then I tried to speed up, but my body suddenly lost balance and I felt down. Determined not to give up, I struggled to my feet and ran across the final line. There is no doubt that I lost the match, however, I never felt regretful because I know that it is more important to keep on doing one thing until it finishes. ;1. ________ n./v. 饥饿,欲望/使饥饿 hungry adj. 饥饿的 hungrily adv. 饥饿地 2. ___________ n. 自由 free adj. 自由的,免费的 be free from…从……获得自由 wise-wisdom king-kingdom 3. _________ v. 配备,装备 be equipped/armed with…被用…装备 equipment n. 设备 ;4. ___________ n. 国籍 nation n. 国家,民族 national adj. 国家的 5. ___________ n. 工作,职业,占领 occupy v. 占据, 使忙碌 occupied adj. 忙碌的=busy be occupied with sth.=be busy with sth. 忙于某事 be occupied in doing sth.=be busy in doing sth. 忙于做某事 ;1. A great number of people are going _______ and hundreds of chidren have died of _______. (hungry) 2. Life is dear; love is dearer. Both can be given up for _______.(free) 3. It is a modern and well ________ hospital, and all its __________is of high quality. (equip) 4. Recently, he has been _______with his new __________. (occupy) 5. ________Day of China falls on October 1st. (nation) ;6. __________n. 个性 person n. 个人 personal adj. 个人的 personally adv. 个人来说 =in my opinion =as far as I am concerned 7. ________v. 使迷惑=puzzle confused adj.=puzzled adj. 感到迷惑的 confusing adj.=puzzling adj. 令人迷惑的 confusion n. 迷惑;8. _________________phr. 对……满意 =be content with satisfy v. 满足 satis


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