【金融科技行业报告】2016 FINTECH100 Leading Global Fintech Innovators.pdf

【金融科技行业报告】2016 FINTECH100 Leading Global Fintech Innovators.pdf

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2016 FINTECH100 Leading Global Fintech Innovators 1 | Fintech Innovators 2016 1 加入知识星球.行业与管理资源库 ,每日免费获取报告 1、每天分享30+必威体育精装版行业报告(涵盖科技、金融、教育、互联网、房地产、生物制药、医疗健康等必威体育精装版行业) 2、每天分享10+企业咨询管理文件(涵盖国内外著名咨询公司相关管理方案,企业运营制度等) 3、每天分享10+科技类论文或者大师课件、笔记。 4 、每天更新企业运营管理中遇到的问题及解决方案 5、高端人才管理与行业交流 微信扫码进微信群,每日获取行业报告 微信扫码加入行业与管理资源库 , 每日获取更多行业报告、管理文案、科技论 ; (微信号:Teamkon) 文等资料 LENDING (32) REGTECH (8) PAYMENTS (18) DIGITAL CURRENCIES (5) DATA ANALYTICS (8) INSURANCE (12) CAPITAL MARKETS (3) WEALTH (6) CROWD FUNDING (2) BLOCKCHAIN (5) ACCOUNTING (1) Introduction Dear Reader, We are pleased to present the third annual ‘Fintech100’, sectors include: payments, lending, wealth, insurance the best fintech innovators, this year from 23 countries and - new this year – regtech where we are seeing around the world. rapid value creation as the pace of disruption increases. The Fintech100 are those companies using technology The Fintech100 in 2016 includes: to their best advantage and driving disruption within the financial services industry. These companies 32 lending companies, have a commitment to excellence, superior customer 18 payments companies, experience and a demonstrated ability to do something 12 insuranc



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