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大学生宿舍文化建设研究 管理学院2014届 双学位毕业论文 人学生宿舍文化建设研究 姓名张国锋学院管理学院专业公共事业管理指导教师蔡为民职称2013年 12月 经过了高考,学生们越过了那道分数线,进入人学神圣的殿堂,每一名人学生都将经丿力 宿舍生活,也将受到宿舍文化的影响。在人学生的学习生活过程中,教室,图书馆,宿 舍,毫无疑问的是学生们聚集生活的场所。而宿舍又是人学生每天待得时间最长的地方。 因而宿舍文化对人学生的学习与生活的影响是显而易见的。但是目前我国许多高校并没有 意识到宿舍文化的重要性,宿舍文化建设被忽视,或者是建设的过程中存在种种的问题。 具体表现在宿舍文化建设形式单一,宿舍懒散现象严重,人学生宿舍学习氛围不浓,宿舍 管理服务意识较差,宿舍张贴画和晩上卧谈会格调不高。木文就从人学生宿舍文化的现状 出发,探寻大学生宿舍文化发展屮存在的问题,分析存在这些问题的原因,并且进而提出 自己关于宿舍文化发展的建议。 关键词:人学生宿舍文化;存在的问题;改进方法ABSTRACT After fierce college entrance examination , our stuclents have crossed the Road scores to enter the sacred halls of the University ,each students will participate in the dormitory life and be effected by the dormitory culter.There is no doubt that classroom, library , dormitory are the gathering places in their study and life? While students spend most of their time in dormitory, sleeping there ,amusing there even eating there. So it is clear to see that dormitory culture is important for their study and life and the dormitory culture clearly has an effeet on their 1ife and study ? However a number of colleges in our country have not realized the importaneo of the dormitory culture ,which is ignored by teachers and students . Some college have some problems when they are developing the dormitory culture ? Problems fol low : idle phenomenon in dormitory poor study atmosphere bad sense of dorm management vu1 gar posts and the night-talk topics . Considering the current state of clorm-culture on college campus , this essay aims to explore the exist problems in the development of dorm-culture of college students , to analyze the reasons to these problems , and come up with my own opini()ns . Key Words : College dormitory culture ; Problems ;Improving ways H 录 1. 1研究背景 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 1.2研究目的和意义 1 1.3国内外研究综述 1 1.4研究内容与研究方法 2 第二章基本概念和相关理论 3 1基本概念 3 2相关理论 4 第三章 天津市人学生宿舍文化的发展现状及问题分析 6 1宿舍文化建设的发展现状 6 2天津市人学生宿舍文化建设存在的问题 6 3天津市人学生宿舍文化问题原因分析 9 第四章针对存在的问题提出相关的解决措施 11 4.1发挥高校学生会,社团的作用,丰富高校宿舍文化生活 11 2加强宿舍管理人员以及服务人员队伍建设 II 3重视在宿舍文化建设中渗


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