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城市屮的交通拥堵问题是世界各国在城市发展过程屮普遍面临的一个严峻问 题,影响着城市的社会与经济发展。我国是一个人口大国,百万人口以上的大城 市众多,随着社会的进步和经济的高速发展,城市化进程的加快,西方城市化过 程屮发生的人口问题、住宅缺乏、交通拥堵、环境污染等问题也在我国城市屮发 生,范围和影响更大,其屮城市交通拥堵问题尤其突出。FI前,我国城市交通基 础设施、管理水平均无法适应城市发展的需要,成为城市社会和经济发展屮的阻 碍因索,交通拥堵问题已经成为我国许多城市共同面临的一个难题。交通拥堵现 象由点到线,由局部向大范围蔓延,不尽影响城市生活的效率和质量,而且带来 了诸如环境、公共安全等一系列的社会问题,严重制约着城市的发展。I大I此城市 交通拥堵问题亟待解决,刻不容缓。 锦州市作为辽西地区乃至整个东北地区的大型交通枢纽城市,同样面临着城 市交通供给能力有限和城市交通需求快速增长的矛盾,交通拥堵问题较为严重。 木文通过对以锦州市为代表的屮等城市道路交通拥堵问题进行探讨和研究。论文 首先从理论上对交通拥堵的相关属性、变化规律、空间分布以及判别方法等进行 论述;其次,通过分析锦州市的城市交通现状,指出了锦州市主城区的主要路段/ 路口交通拥堵的原因,认为城市道路交通规划存在问题、道路交通参与者的主观 因索、公共交通体系尚不完善是造成锦州市主城区道路交通拥堵的主要原因。木 论文从我国的国情以及锦州市实际的交通状况出发,提出了包括公交优先发展战 略、交通需求管理优先发展战略立体化、网络化交通发展战略等解决锦州市主城 区道路交通拥堵问题的对策和建议。 关键词:锦州市,城市交通,交通拥堵,交通疏导 Abstract City traffic congestion problem is that all the countries in the world in the process of city development are facing a serious problem, affects the citys social and economic development. China is a country with a large population, a large number of above of 1 million population city, along with the social progress and the rapid development of economy, city changes a course accelerate, western city changes occurring during the population problem, the lack of housing, traffic congestion, environmental pollution problems are in our country city, scope and impact big city traffic jams, which is especially prominent. At present, our country city transportation infrastructure, management level can not meet the needs of the city development, become the city social and economic development factor, traffic congestion has become a lot of our country city faced a common problem. The phenomenon of traffic jams from a point to a line, from local to wide spread, does not affect the citys efficiency and quality of life, but also brings such as environment, public security and a series of social problems, seriously restrict the development of the city. So the city traffic congestion problems, brook no delay. Jinzhou City, western Liaoning region and the northeast region as a major


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