高中英语【拓展阅读】教师节 双语课件.pdf

高中英语【拓展阅读】教师节 双语课件.pdf

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H a p p y T e a c h e r s D a y One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world. 01 Teachers Who Changed the World 02 Teachers’ Day Around C o n t e n t s the World (exercise included) 03 Writing Resources PART 01 PART 01 Teachers Who Teachers Who Changed the World Changed the World Teachers Who Changed the World Confucius (551-479 BC) Confucius was a Chinese social philosopher and thinker whose teachings . 孔子是中国的社会哲学家和思想家,他的学说对 中国人、日本人、越南人和韩国人的生活产生了 很大的影响。 Confucius (551-479 BC) Through his deep philosophies, he was a huge advocator of governmental and personal morality, and many of his teachings eventually ended up being developed into a philosophical system known as Confucianism. 他通过深刻的哲学思想极力倡导政府和个人道德。 他的许多教导最终发展成为一种哲学体系,即儒 家思想。 Socrates (469- 399 BC) Socrates is considered one of Western Civilization ’ s most significant teachers and philosophers. He led discussions with the people of Athens in which he posed challenging and profound questions. 苏格拉底被认为是西方文明中最重要的老 师和哲学家之一。他主持过与雅典人民的 讨论,提出了深刻、具有挑战性的问题。 Socrates (469- 399 BC) His style of stimulating thought through question asking has been adopted by many modern teachers and is known as the Socratic method. 他通



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