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Module 1 How to learn English Unit 1 Try not to translate every word. 【预习案】 Ms James gives her students some I. 提建议的表达方式 ______ and asks them to ______ it______. Try to… Why don’t you …? ______ a good _______ to check the It’s a good idea to… You should … ______ notebook but try not to ______ What / How about...? every word. Everyone should have a pen friend and write email messages to 1. It’s __________ find partners to practise ______ _______. What ______? _______ English together. ______ listening to the radio in English? 2. __________ going to an English corner? III. Key points. 3. _________ read English tongue twisters 1. advice 不可数名词 if you need to practise pronunciation? some / much / a little / a piece of advice 4. You ________ pay attention to phrases. 给某人提建议:give sb. advice on 5. __________ learn more vocabulary. 听从某人的建议:take one’s advice II. Vocabulary (1) 请能给我一些学习建议。 1. It’s made of paper and you use it for Please ______ ______ ______ writing down things. It’s a n_________. ______ on study. 2. We’ll listen to programs with a r_______. (2) 听我的建议,学点别的吧。 3. I read news every day in a n________. ______ ______ _____ and learn 4. T_______ the sentences into Chinese. something else. 5. C_______ the mistakes in the sentence. 2. mistake 6. When you learn a new word, write the 犯错误 make a


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