
基于ASP的网络应用系统——校园网站建设 计算机毕业论文.doc

基于ASP的网络应用系统——校园网站建设 计算机毕业论文.doc

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基于ASP的网络应用系统——校园网站建设 摘 要 随着WWW的蓬勃发展,人类已经意识到了网络的巨大用途。网络的实时性、无区域性成为吸引全世界人类的巨大诱惑力。随着Internet国际互联网在我国的普及,越来越多的社会团体、企事业单位,在互联网上建立自己的网络,甚至个人也设立了自己的网页。近几年来,网页技术日益成熟,随着网络的发展,网页决不是仅仅停留在原始的静态上了,而是发展成为多姿多彩的动态网页。利用ASP.NET和ADO.NET技术开发的网站管理系统,实现了网站的动态管理,使得对信息的管理更加及时、高效,提高了工作效率。ASP具备管理不同语言脚本程序的能力,能够自动调用合适的脚本引擎以解释脚本代码和执行内置函数。ASP开发环境提供了两种脚本引擎,即VBScript和JavaScript 关键词: Internet 网站 动态网ASP 信息发布 WEB数据库 Abstract With the vigorous development of WWW, mankind has realized the tremendous use of the network. Real-time network, has attracted the world without a regional human tremendous temptation. With the Internet in Chinas Internet penetration, more and more social groups, enterprises, on the Internet to establish their own network, or even an individual, also set up their own web pages. In recent years, increasingly mature technology website, along with the development of the Internet, the website is not merely the static on the original, but the development of a variety of dynamic web page. ADO.NET using ASP.NET technology development and the website information management system for dynamic management of the site, making the management of the information more timely, efficient, improve work efficiency. At the same time the development of principles of the system, the systems features and design programmes were introduced. ASP scripts to manage different languages in the ability to automatically call the appropriate script engine to explain script code and the implementation of built-in functions. ASP development environment offers two engine scripts, JavaScript and VBScript. Keyword: Internet Website ASP dynamic database of intermation Released WEB 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1 引言 1 1.1 设计思想 2 2 网站总体分析与设计 2 2.1网站系统分析 2 2.2主页设计 2 2.3数据库设计 3 3 详细设计 3 3.1 家长学校联络簿 3 3.1.1功能: 3 3.1.2组成构造 3 3.1.3数据库结构设计 4 3.1.4界面设计与重点、难点代码的设计 4 3.2网上图书馆 9 3.2.1功能 9 3.2.2数据库设计 9 3.2.3界面设计与重点代码的设计 11 3.3页面访问计数器的制作 15 4系统的使用说明与安装 16


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