
基于ASP和Web数据库技术的网络检索系统 毕业论文.doc

基于ASP和Web数据库技术的网络检索系统 毕业论文.doc

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第 PAGE I 页 基于ASP和Web数据库技术的网络检索系统 摘要 随着Web的迅速发展,网上信息资源越来越丰富,网络己经成为了一个全球最大的数据库。各种信息自动化管理已成为当今信息管理的一种趋势,信息网络化变得日益重要。信息数据库建设是信息自动化管理的基础和核心。而ASP ( Active Server Pages) 正是微软为IIS 5. 0以及MS Personal Web Server 等Web 服务器开发的动态站点设计技术, 它具有动态、高效和易于交互的特点。因此基于ASP技术和Web数据库技术的网络检索系统可以极大地提高信息检索效率。。 本次毕业设计主要针对高校图书馆的一个核心分支——图书信息检索系统展开的。能否快速获取用户需要的信息,是图书馆管理系统的一个重要评价指标,因而其重要性不言而喻。要取得良好的检索效果,必须建立起一个高效的信息检索模型,并且有相关的软件开发工具,相关的理论技术的支持。 在本次毕业设计中,首先对网络检索系统相关技术进行了深入研究,再利用ASP 技术和Web数据库技术开发图书信息网络检索的系统。实现了馆藏书目检索和动态交互式的综合查询等功能,并对系统安全性与维护等问题进行探讨。 关键字:Web数据库,ASP技术,检索系统,安全性 Web search system based on ASP and Web database technology Abstract With the rapid development of Web, online information resources has become increasingly diverse, the network has become one the worlds largest database. Automation of a variety of information management has become a trend in todays information management, information network has become increasingly important. Information database construction is the basis for automated management of information and the core. This can be through the establishment of the University Library site provides users with their own time and space of the library information services. The ASP (Active Server Pages) is Microsoft is IIS 5. 0 and the MS Personal Web Server etc. Web server, the dynamic site design techniques, it has a dynamic, efficient and easy interactive features. Therefore, ASP-based technology and network of Web database technology can greatly improve the retrieval system to retrieve book information efficiency of the people. The graduation project focused on a core branch of the library to study design, development implementation. The core of the library information retrieval system. Users can quickly obtain needed information, library management system is an important index, so its importance is self-evident. To achieve good search results, we must establish an efficient information retrieval model, and has ass


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