教学课件 高尔夫英语--李萍.ppt

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Answer the following questions after reading the text. 1. What are the five most important operations in golf lawn maintenance? They are aeration, top-dressing, combing grass, mowing, fertilization, and irrigation. 2. How does one solve the problem of the soil compaction? The problem of soil compaction can be solved by aeration which includes solid coring and hollow coring. 3. How does one maintain the lawn surface’s smoothness? Top-dressing can maintain the lawn surface’s smoothness. 4. How does one solve the problem of the thatch layer? Combing grass is the best way to solve the problem of the thatch layer. 参考译文 高尔夫草坪养护 高尔夫草坪养护专业性很强,是属于一次种植、连续培育、长久使用。要实现高尔夫草坪竞技、美观、实用的功能,草坪修剪、施肥和灌溉是重要的常规作业和基础的技术保证,除此以外,它还需要精细养护作业,包括打孔、铺沙、梳草等。 土壤紧实是高尔夫草坪最突出的问题之一,它会阻碍根系的活动,水、养料也无法有效渗透至根系层面,而打孔则是高尔夫球场用来解决坚实的最有效的方法。打孔一般分为空心打孔和实心打孔,它是通过打孔机来实现的。一般来说,穴洞越深,效果越好,保持的时间越长。 匀整、平滑的草坪表面是保证球员开展正常竞技活动的理想平台。高尔夫球场每日的人流量很大,活动时间较久会引起球场表面凹凸不平,这个时候就要采取铺沙的办法来解决球场光滑的问题,也有助于草坪恢复生长。现在,很多球场都采用80%沙土加20%有机质的办法作为履沙材料。 参考译文 高尔夫草坪在使用一段时间后,由于草坪的新陈代谢作用,会不断积累枯枝、落叶,根系老化,土质也会紧实变硬,一些苔藓、杂草因此乘机侵入,这时就会出现芜枝层。而梳草是解决芜枝层的有效方法之一。通常采用梳草机,依靠一系列安装在高速旋转的水平轴上的“V”型刀片来切进枯草层再靠旋转惯性扯出枯草。 高尔夫草坪代表了整个高尔夫养护的最高水平。只有将常规养护与特殊作业相结合,组成高尔夫草坪养护作业链,才能培育出最优质的高尔夫草坪。 Learn for fun By The Rules Two friends were playing golf one day. They decided that they would adhere(坚持) strictly to the rules with no improving their lie. After a few holes, one guys ball landed on a cart path. As he reached down to pick up his ball to get relief his friend said, We agreed that we would not improve our lie. No matter how much the first fellow tried to explain that he was entitled to this relief, the second fellow would not allow it. So the man went to the cart to get a club. As he stood over the ball he took a few practice swings, each time scraping (擦、刮) the club on the pavement



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