教学课件 营销管理:知识与技能(英文版·第10版).ppt

教学课件 营销管理:知识与技能(英文版·第10版).ppt

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10-* Types of Vertical Marketing Systems Administered systems - Higher degree of interorganizational planning and management than in a conventional channel Contractual systems - Relationships governed by contracts to perform specific functions Retail cooperative organization Wholesaler-sponsored voluntary chain Various franchising programs 10-* Types of Vertical Marketing Systems Corporate systems - Single ownership of two or more levels of a channel Forward integration – Manufacturer purchases wholesalers or retailers Backward integration - Wholesalers or retailers purchase channel members above them 10-* Franchising: An Alternative to Conventional Channels of Distribution (Marketing Insight 10-2) 10-* Franchising: An Alternative to Conventional Channels of Distribution (Marketing Insight 10-2) 10-* Wholesalers Merchants primarily engaged in buying, taking title to, storing and physically handling goods Create value for suppliers, retailers, and users of goods by handling their functions efficiently and effectively 10-* Wholesalers Seek producers of major brands for which sales and profits are greatest Seek to attract retailers and organizational customers to buy from them 10-* Some Benefits of Wholesalers for Various Channel Members (Marketing Insight 10-3) 10-* Store Retailing Mass merchandisers - Carry broad assortments of goods and compete based on selection and price Convenience stores - Retailers whose primary advantages are location convenience, close-in parking, and easy entry and exit 10-* Store Retailing Specialty stores - Handles deep assortments in a limited number of product categories Limited-line stores Single-line stores Category killers 10-* Non-Store Retailing Catalogs and direct mail Vending machines Television home shopping Direct sales Electronic exchange 10-* Electronic Commerce: Advantages and Disadvantages for Marketers (Figure 10.7) Chapter 11 Pricing Strategy 11-* Key Terms Demographic Factors, Prestige Pricing, Odd Pricing, Bundle Pricin


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