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数据挖掘技术对提升企业竞争力的影响研究 摘要 随着数据库技术的逐渐成熟和计算机网络的迅速普及,人们采集数据的能力 得到了极大的提高,导致全球范围的信息急剧膨胀,为了对这些海量信息的隐藏 知识进行开发,数据挖掘技术应运而牛。 H前,数据挖掘技术愈来愈成熟,应用范围也日趋广阔。随着我国加入 WTO,市场经济逐步完善和发展,企业间的竞争也越来越激烈,在日趋激烈的 市场竞争屮,如何充分挖掘企业的各种信息,从而为企业良好经营和决策部门做 出重要决策提供帮助,使企业更具竞争力已成为企业关注的重点。因此,本文对 数据挖掘技术对提升企业竞争力的影响上进行研究,提出了数据挖掘技术提升企 业竞争力的途径,从血为企业数据进行更有效率、更深层次上的挖掘提供新思 路。 首先,介绍了数据挖掘技术的概念与其兴起的原因,以及数据挖掘常用的技 术和其挖掘的过程。 其次,介绍了企业竞争力的内涵、特点、评价方法,以及影响企业竞争力的 因素。 再次,针对数据挖掘技术对提升企业竞争力的影响进行了研究,并列举了一 系列的案例对其进行证明。 最后,介绍了数据挖掘技术提升企业竞争力的途径。 关键词:数据挖掘,企业竞争力,信息,客户 Study on data mining to the influence of enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises ABSTRACT As DB technology becomes mature and computer network becomes popular, the ability of people collect data has been greatly improved, which causes the rapid global expansion of information. In order to find the hidden knowledge of the immense amount of information, data mining technology appears. At present, data mining technology has become more and more mature and its application range is becoming broader. As China joined in the WTO, marketeconomy has made a large progress, the competition in enterprise became more and more violent, in the situation, how to make use of the information can be good for business operations and help decision-making departments to make important decisions to making the enterprise more competition has been an important point. So this paper does some research on data mining to the influence of enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises, proposes the way of data mining techniques to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, to supply a new thought of data mining to make efficient and further using of enterprise data. Firstly, by introducing the concept of data mining and reasons for the rise, this paper also introduced the common technology and process of data mining. Secondly, it introduces connotation, feather and methods of evaluation of the competitiveness of enterprises, and the factors affecting the competitiveness of enterprises. Thirdly, it con


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