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教育资源 教育资源 教育资源 教育资源 2019届一轮复习人教版必修二 Un it4Wildlife protection 单元学案 I ?阅读理解 A 话题 词数 建议用时 野生动物通道 312 7分钟 Though Albertas Banff Natio nal Park is home to a large and healthy wildlife population, it also welcomes about 3.5 million visitors every year. Besides, 4.5 million humans drive through without stopping, all passengers on the busy TranOanada Highway that cuts through the park. Thats why roadkill (ani mals that have bee n killed by cars on the road) was a com mon sight on the worlds Ion gest n atio nal road. Banff first put up wildlife fencing on each side of the highway. Then, since 2019, theyve ope ned six wildlife overpassesand 38 underpasses,which have allowed for more tha n 140,000 wildlife cross in gs. Though these crossings are normally closed to all humans, as a tourist I was lucky to be allowed to see Banffs Red Earth Overpass with road ecologist Trevor Kin ley. As a project man ager with Parks Can ada, he told me that so far, they have recorded 10,000 safe animal crossings on this overpass alone. Thats 10,000 ani mal lives saved and a whole lot of roadkill preve nted. Labib Salama, an animal lover, worries that forcing so much wildlife into using just a few bridges and tunn els (passages un der the ground) is putt ing some ani mals lives into dan ger. They probably become easy meals for their natural enemies on either side. However, the truth is that there are no more killi ngs around the cross ings tha n there are any where else in the park. Walk ing over the Red Earth Overpass, I was surprised how n atural the area seemed. The no ise disappeared, as did the road. The forest has filled in the area so that anyone cross ing would really have no idea they were crossing a main highway. Along the way, I found the fresh tracks of black bears, grizzlies, wolves, elk, deer, and marten. Somehow, all these ani mal tracks made me so happy, knowing that they were pass ing safely un der and over the Ion gest road in Can ada. i 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。加拿大的班夫国家公园里有不少| 野生动物通道,这有效


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