铁路客运英语 进站口和出站口 Task 5 At the Entrance and Exit of the Station.pptx

铁路客运英语 进站口和出站口 Task 5 At the Entrance and Exit of the Station.pptx

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Project 1 Station Service Work 铁路客运英语——Task 5 At the Entrance and Exit of the Station——Teaching Objectives 教学目标Related Knowledge 相关配套知识Knowledge Extension 知识拓展Exercises 练习2431目录CONTENTSTeaching Objectives 教学目标11.Ability Objectives能力目标1)Be able to check passengerstickets and show them the direction in English;能够用英语为旅客检票和指引方向;2)Be able to explain relevant railway regulations to passengers in English;能够用英语向旅客解释相关的铁路法规;3)Be able to read and comprehend some short passages about selling tickets.能够阅读并理解与进出站相关的英文短篇;2.Knowledge Objective 知识目标1)Master typical sentences related with service work at the entrance and exit of the station;掌握与进出站服务有关的典型句型;2)Read aloud dialogues related with service work at the entrance and exit of the station;朗读与进出站服务有关的对话;3)Memorize new words and phrases of the text.记忆课文中的生词和短语。3.Quality Objective 素质目标 Welcome passengers with good manners,use courteous language,reply to passengersinquiries patiently,check their tickets punctually and carefully,esp.date,time,train number and the terminal,arrange important passengers(such as the old,the young,the sick,the disabled and the pregnant)to board in advance,organize passengers through the entrance and exit orderly and ensure their safety. 礼貌地迎接旅客,使用礼貌语言,耐心地回答旅客的询问,及时检票并仔细检查日期、时刻、车次及终到站名;安排重点旅客(如老、幼、病、残、孕)提前上车,组织旅客有序通过进出站口,并确保旅客的安全。Related Knowledge 相关配套知识21.Dialogues 对话PRESS对话A.At the Entrance of the Station(1)1.Dialogues 对话PRESS对话A.At the Entrance of the Station(2)1.Dialogues 对话PRESS对话A.At the Entrance of the Station(3)1.Dialogues 对话PRESS对话A.At the Entrance of the Station(4)1.Dialogues 对话PRESS对话A.At the Entrance of the Station(5)1.Dialogues 对话PRESS对话B.At the Exit of the Station(1)1.Dialogues 对话PRESS对话B.At the Exit of the Station(2)1.Dialogues 对话PRESS对话B.At the Exit of the Station(3)1.Dialogues 对话PRESS对话B.At the Exit of the Station(4)1.Dialogues 对话PRESS对话B.At the Exit of the Station(5)2.Useful Expressions 实用句型及短语对话1)Typical Sentences典型句型PRESSA.At the Entrance of the Station(1)-(10)2.Useful Expressi



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