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第一章绪论 选择题 ?我国儿科工作对象的年龄界限是 A ?从妊娠28周至青少年时期 B ?从精卵细胞结合至青春期 C .从出生至14岁 D .从出生至青春期 E.从婴儿期至青春期 ?以下哪项不是儿科护理学的任务 A .小儿疾病的护理 B ?青少年教育心理 C .优生优育 D ?增强儿童体质 E.促进儿童身心健康 儿科护理人员的素质要求包括 A .有强烈的责任感 B .爱护并尊重儿童 C .丰富的科学知识及熟练的操作技巧 D .有效的人际沟通技巧 E.以上都是 下述哪项不是儿科护士角色的内容 A .直接护理者 B .患儿及家长的批评监督者 C .患儿的代言人 D .健康与预防的指导者 E.合作协调者 儿科护理学所涉及的范围包括 A .儿科专科护理学 B .社会学 C .心理学 D .教育学 E.以上都是 儿科护士为患儿提供的常见支持方式有 A .倾听 B .触摸 C .教育 D .陪伴 E.以上都是 下述哪项不是儿科护士为患儿家长宣戡 的内容 A.帮助患儿适应医院环境 B .教会家长为患儿做出护理诊断 C.帮助患儿接受各种治疗 D .教家长如何观察患儿的病情变化 E.帮助家长掌握患儿出院后护理技巧 以下哪项不是儿科临床护理程序的内容 A ?对患儿及家属进行评估 B .做出护理诊断 C .制定实施护理计划 D .进行护理评价 E.进行院外指导 A nurse in the day care center is told that a child with autism will be attending to the cen ter. the nurse collaborates with the staff of the day care center and plans activities that will meet the childs needs. The priority consideration in planning activities for the child is to en sure : social in teract ions with other childre n in the same age group. safety with activities. familiarity with all activities and providing orientation throughout the activities. that activities provide verhal stimulatio n. A 6-year-old clie nt tells the school nu rse, I wish my father would nt lick me dow n there. Hes always doing it whe n he sleeps with me. He told me keep it our secret but I dont want to do this anymore. Which of the follow ing is the most appropriate resp onse by the nu rse? It is not good for your father to do this, tell him to stop. You know you have a fine father who loves you very much. Tell me more about this. When did your father last do this? Have you been watching tele- visi on movies about this recen tly? Im glad youve come to me with this problem. Your father will not lick you down there a gain. Can you stay here with your teacher while ][ make some phone calls?. You should always obey your pare nts, what did your mother say whe n you told her this? A nurse in structs a pare nt regard ing the appropriate actions to take whe n a toddler has a temper tan trum. Which stateme nt by the


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