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【关键词】社会工作 器官捐献 捐献态度 捐献意愿
The Research on Social Work Intervention for Mass Organ Donation in Zhongshan City
【Abstract】At present, there is a serious shortage of sources for organ donation in China. This paper mainly understands the characteristics of the organ donation perception, attitude, and influencing factors of Zhongshan people by studying the cognition, attitude, willingness and influencing factors of organ donation in Zhongshan City Further analysis and exploration of the entry point and direction of social work involved in organ donation. The method of questionnaire survey is mainly used to survey the masses of Zhongshan City, and the statistical analysis method is used to conduct empirical research and analysis on the data. The results of the study show that: First, the respondents perceptions, attitudes and willingness of organ donation are different due to different personal attributes. Second, the cognition rate of the respondents to organ donation is very high, but the cognition degree is superficial, the recognition degree of organ donation is very high, the willingness to accept donation is also high, but the willingness to make donation is low, and the willingness to make voluntary registration is lower. Third, The respondents usually think that whether to donate after death should be decided by the individuals will before death rather than the family members or the country. Fourth, the social awareness of social workers is relatively general, and the service penetration rate of social workers is relatively low now.
[Keywords] Social work Organ donation Willingness to donate
TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 1前言 1
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