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大学生心理健康问题及社会工作方法介入可行性的研究 【摘要】随着我国经济的高速发展,社会环境发生着日新月异的变化,高校的环境也随着社会的发展,从以前的象牙塔形象变得日益复杂。大学阶段是个体社会化的一个重要阶段,大学生接受着多元文化信息的同时,也相对承受着更多方面的压力。大学生处于就业、学习、人际交往、情感等多种压力之下,各式各样的心理问题逐渐显现出来,进而引发一系列社会问题造成不良的公众影响,大学生的心理健康问题成因及其解决措施已成为社会各界关注的一个热点。由于现今固有的大学生心理健康教育模式已经脱离社会发展的进程,跟不上飞速发展的社会步伐,大学生群体所处的环境及其复杂多变的心理问题需要一种新型的资源整合模式对其给予关注和介入。 本文通过定性与定量相结合的研究方法,面向广东药科大学中山校区的学生开展问卷调查,同时与相关人员进行深度访谈,剖析当前大学生心理健康问题的现状,在吸取原有模式的优秀经验的前提下,将学校社工的理念与实务融入到解决大学生心理健康问题及建立解决新模式的工作中去,弥补现今模式的单一性的不足,整合现有的各方资源,充分发挥其各自的优势,提出新的工作模式并对其可行性进行调查研究。 本文认为,与社会工作方法介入相结合的健全培养大学生心理健康的发展机制关键在于资源的整合与共享。在一定程度上有利于推进现时环境下校内大学生心理组织与社会工作方法介入的创新机制的建立,有利于促进社会工作事业的发展,推动和谐社会的建设。 【关键词】大学生;心理健康;社会工作;方法介入 Research on the Feasibility of College Students Mental Health Problems and the Intervention of Social Work Methods [Abstract] With the rapid development of Chinas economy, the social environment is undergoing rapid changes, and the environment of colleges and universities has also become increasingly complicated from the previous image of the ivory tower. The university stage is an important stage of individual socialization. At the same time that college students are receiving multicultural information, they are also under more pressure. Under the pressure of employment, study, interpersonal communication, and emotions, a variety of psychological problems have gradually emerged, which has caused a series of social problems to cause adverse public impact. The causes of university students mental health problems and their solutions Has become a hot spot of concern in all sectors of society. As the inherent mental health education model for college students has been separated from the process of social development and cannot keep up with the rapid development of society, the environment in which college students are living and their complex and changing psychological problems require a new type of resource integration model Attention and involvement. This article uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods to cond



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