金融专业英语 chapter 1 Money and Economics.pptx

金融专业英语 chapter 1 Money and Economics.pptx

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;;;章节结构;Learning Objectives;;;;If you can actually count your money, then you are not really a rich man. -J. Paul Getty;“Money”, what is the money in the eye of people? What is the conception of money in the views of economics?;What is “Money”?;Economists define money (also referred to as the money supply) as anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods or services or in the repayment of debts.;Imagine a world without using of money;What is “Money”?;Paper money or banknotes were first used in China during the Song Dynasty. These banknotes, known as “jiaozi”, evolved from promissory notes that had been used since the 7th century. In the 13th century, paper money became known in Europe through the accounts of travelers, such as Marco Polo and William of Rubruck. Marco Polo’s account of paper money during the Yuan Dynasty is the subject of a chapter of his book, The Travels of Marco Polo.;Economists define money (also referred to as the money supply) as anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods or services or in the repayment of debts.;; Whether money is shells, or rocks, or gold, or paper, it has four primary functions in any economy: as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, a store of value, and a standard of deferred payment. Of the four functions, its function as a medium of exchange is what distinguishes money from other assets such as stocks, bonds, and houses.” 无论是贝壳,还是岩石,还是黄金,或者是纸,货币在任何经济中都有四个主要功能:作为交换媒介,价值尺度,价值储藏手段,延期支付手段。四个标准中的交换媒介,可以使货币区别于其他资产,如股票、债券和房子的货币。;In almost all market transactions in our economy, money in the form of currency or checks in a medium of exchange (交易媒介); it is used to pay for goods and services. ;The second role of money is to provide a unit of account(价值尺度); that is, it is used to measure value in the economy. We measure the value of goods and services in terms of money, just as we measure weight in terms of pounds or distance in terms of miles.;Money also functions as a store of value(价值储藏手段); it is a


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