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肝病患者血清血管紧张素转化酶活性变化的临床意义 张剑平,魏红山,孙继云,肖凡,徐道振,成 军 张剑平,魏红山,孙继云,肖凡,徐道振,成 军,北京地坛医院传染病研究所北京市100011 通讯作者:张剑平,100011,北京市东城区安外大街地坛公园13号,北京地坛医院传染病硏究所。 zhjp2358o)126? com 电话:0102358 传真:010收稿日期: 接受日期: Clinical Significance of the Change of Serum Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme in Liver Disease Patients Jian-ping zhang^Hong-shang weiji-yun sun,Fan Xiao,Dao-zhen Xujun cheng Jian zhang,Hong-shang weiji-yun sun Jun cheng ^Institute of Infectious Diseases,Beijing Ditan Hospital,Beijing 100011,China Correspondence to: Jian-ping zhang, Institute of Infectious Diseases, Beijing Ditan Hospital J 3 Ditan Park,Anwai Street,Beijing 10001 l,China.zhjp2358@ Recei ved: Accepted: Abstract AIM: The research of the human renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) has a long history. In recent years, studies have indicated that the liver also has a partial RAAS. Angiotensin-II (A^RII) is the main reactive substance of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). It plays many pathological and physiological roles in the formation of hepatic fibrosis and the development of liver cirrhosis. The aim of this research is to discuss seium angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) changes and the clinical value of different sub-types of type B viral hepatitis by detecting the reactivity of ACE in the serum of partial clinical cases and healthy subjects. METHODS: method we used in this experiment is the rate method, using a Hitachi 7180 fully automatic biochemical analyser to detect the activity of ACE and to measure prothrombin activity (PTA) in samples from each group? We consider the amount of enzyme needed in the releasing of 1 gmol/L glycyl glycine per liter serum per minute as an ACE unit volume in the condition that both the serum and substrate are in 37 degrees Celsius. RESULTS: (1) The order of serum activity of ACE among different clinical sub-types of type B viral hepatitis, from greatest to smallest, was as follows: control group (24.71 ±9.43(,imol/L), obstruct jaundice (28?75 ± 13?



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