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语法题重点摘录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 13083 第一章、概要 2 11300 第二章、语法和含义 3 17984 第三章 、主谓搭配 5 25201 第四章 、平行 8 8126 第五章 、代词 11 32233 第六章 、修饰 13 32288 第七章 、动词的时态、语气和表达 20 22147 第八章、比较 26 1719 第十章 、零碎知识 27 15540 1)Connecting Words 27 12001 2)connecting punctuation 28 9246 3)Quantity 29 2188 第十一章 、简洁,主谓,平行(高阶) 30 22655 第十二章、介词和修饰(高阶) 35 21475 第十三章 、动词与比较(高阶) 40 感谢CD为我提供了这么多的资源,也希望这篇精简能帮到更多的为梦想奋斗的CDer。 大家可以在复习的时候不断补充。因为小汐自身能力有限和时间紧迫,难免有些错误和不完善之处。欢迎校稿,欢迎更新! 第一章、概要语法做题总纲:读懂句子的含义:找到主谓(宾),每个修饰语的修饰对象(名词性修饰紧靠修饰对象),用最有效的表达方式。排除错误选项: 语法做题总纲: 读懂句子的含义:找到主谓(宾),每个修饰语的修饰对象(名词性修饰紧靠修饰对象),用最有效的表达方式。 排除错误选项: 1,找到最明显的绝对错误。如主谓宾搭配不当(注意逻辑意义上的考察);指代的绝对性错误(单复数,性别);逻辑意义不合理;明显的修饰对象错误(特别注意which的修饰问题);平行结构的合理性和完美性。 2,若上一步还无法剔除,注意歧义问题。再细致分析词的修饰问题(单个词的摆放或adj.和adv.的转换) 时间允许,要记得带回去读! Your task is to evaluate the given answer choices, not to create the ideal sentence. Never rewrite the sentence in your own words. ? Most problems test several issues at once. ? Many choices are wrong for more than one reason. ? The same error often shows up in more than one choice. ? Of course, no two answer choices are exactly the same. Steps: Read the original sentence carefully, and make sure that you understand it. Scan the choices vertically for splits. Don’t read the choices. Rather, scan up and down to find splits. ? The beginning of the choices is a great place to look. The five choices must differ in their first word (otherwise, that word would n’t be underlined). ? The end of the choices must also produce a split. ? Finally, if you noticed something wrong in your initial reading, use that issue in your search. Choose an easy split to start with. Easy to spot Easy to compare Easy to decide Most importantly, you need to be able to decide which way is right. ? Does a grammatical rule make one way right and the others wrong? ? Does one way match the intended meaning much better than the others? Make your decision on the first split. Write down ABCDE and cross out the choices you’ve elim


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