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城市污水蕴含着巨大的能量,但是大部分都随着污水的排放过程而流失; 尤其是在污水排放到污水处理厂前一级污水提升泵站前端的主管道时,污水不仅 流量巨人而且能量也很大,但是这部分能量没能够回收利用,造成能量浪费。
本系统针对污水排放的特点,通过在污水主管道放置微型水轮机,回收主管 道污水流动的机械能,将机械能转化为电能。PLC控制器控制界步发电机的变频 器,从而控制发电机旋转磁场的同步转速。变频器采用直流母线并联的方式,将 电能消耗到污水提升泵电机,节省能源。系统可以在城市暴雨期间转换为电动状 态,加速城市排水。上位机组态通过Ethernet起到监控、报警、历史记录作用。
本文还分析了系统的节能效果以及推广前景,系统有很好的运营节能效果。 随着污水排放量的逐年增加以及污水处理厂的不断扩建,污水发电系统的市场潜 力也将逐渐显现出来。
Nowadays, the discharge of city sewage has been larger and large匚 There are a great amount of mechanical energy in sewage, but most of it has been drained away with the discharge of sewage. Especially in the main pipe line of the front-end of former sewage upgrading pump station when discharging sewage into the sewage treatment works, the sewage is not only of great quantity of flow but also of powerful energy? However, this part of energy is not recycled ,which make a huge waste of energy.
This system aims at the features of sewage discharge, by means of laying a micro-turbine in the sewage main pipe line to recycle the mechanical energy of the flowing sewage, converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. PLC Controller controls the Variable-frequency Drive of induction generator in order to control the synchronous speed of rotating magnetic field of generator. The Variable-frequency Drive is in parallel on the DC bus, which consume the electrical energy into the swerage upgrading pump motor to save energy. The system is able to change into motoring condition during the rainstorm period in city, so as to accelerate thedischarge of sewage. The host computer configuration works to monitor, alarm and record a history through Ethernet.
This article also analyzes the energy-saving effect of this system and the outlook of its popularization. The system has an effective operating energy-saving. With the increase of sewage discharge year by year and the extension of sewage treatment works, the market potential of sewage-electric power generation system will emerge in the future.
- 污水处理和排放的自动连续监测综述.doc
- 污水处理及烟尘治理项目投资建议方案.docx
- 污水处理技术方案.doc
- 污水处理技术基础.doc
- 污水处理历史意义.doc
- 污水处理施工方案.doc
- 污水处理问题的研究.doc
- 污水处理系统设备布置方案.doc
- 污水处理项目建议书.doc
- 污水处理新技术结课论文.doc
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