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摘要:研究目的:基本农川是耕地的精华,构建永久基本农IH划定的理论体系,是划定和保 护永久基本农出的巫要保障。研究方法:文献综述法,归纳演绎法,LESA体系方法。研究 结果:(1)界定了永久基本农出内涵,即永久慕本农出是指优质、连片、永久、稳定的耕 地。(2)提出当前慕本农出划定方法中存在划定条件模糊、无科学量化标准以及缺乏评价 体系等一系列问题。(3)科学分析和借鉴美国LESA体系思想,构建耕地质量与立地条件 评价体系,建立了基木农出划定标准。研究结论:划定的永久基木农出应具备两个必要条件, 一是要具有良好的耕地自然质量条件,二是要具有协调的立地环境条件。 关键词:土地资源;永久苹木农出;LESA体系;耕地质量;立地条件 中图分类号:S157.3
Theoretical Discussion for the Permanent Basic FarmlandPlanning
QIAN Fengkui, WANG Qiubing, BIAN Zhenxing, DONG Xiuru (College of La nd and Environment, Shenyang Agriculture University, She nYang 110866) Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to planning permanent basic farmland which is the essence of farmland and also an important means for food security, social stability, economic development. The methods employed in the paper are literature review and inductive, deductive analysis and LESA system. The results show that (I) it defines the connotation of permanent basic farmland the basic farmland which refer to high-quality, sectors-connecting, permanent, stable of farmland.(2) it discuss the existing problems of the planning method for permanent basic farmland and protection unstable.(3) it analyzes and refers to American LESA system idea, constructs the evaluating system of farmland quality and site conditions, and establish the planning criteria of the basic farmland. The conclusion is that the two necessary conditions in permanent basic farmland planning could be needed, one is the permanent basic farmland has good quality conditions, the other is the pennanent basic farmland has coordinaled site conditions.
Keywords: land resource; permanent basic farmland; LESA system; farmland quality; site condition
2010年11月国十资源部在广西南宁召开的全国基本农出划定试点交流座谈会上提出编制和 出台新的《基本农IH划定技术规程》,2011年2月国土资源部、农业部联合发出《关于加 强和完善永久基本农田划定有关工作的通知》,部署永久基本农田划定工作,2012年2月 发布的中央一号文件明确要求加强高标准农出建设,强调加快永久基本农出划定工作,不断 夯实农业发展物质基础。2012年3月5日温家宝总理在十一届全国人大五次会议作政府丁 作报告中提出要加大土地开发整理复垦力度,大规模建设旱涝保收高标准基木农出。至今我 国基木农川划定和保护已走过23年的历史,虽然时间不