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XXX大学 毕业论文 船舶制冷系统节能技术研究 The Research of Energy Saving of The Marine Refrigeration 申请学位:学士 院 系: xx学院 专 业:轮机工程 姓 名: XXX 学 号: XXXX 指导老师:XXXX XXX 年 XX 月 XX 口 XXX大学 [摘要]随着能源问题的口益突出,船舶制冷系统的节能研究受到越来越多的人的重视。 进入21世纪以来,不断有新的节能方案口益涌现。而对船舶制冷系统的节能研究则显得意 义更加重大。这是因为船舶的空间有限,所能携带的口用品和能源亦是有限,因此,提高 船舶制冷系统的节能效率是目前船舶制冷研究应首要解决的问题。 论文对船舶的节能作了深入分析。全文分四部分。分别对船舶制冷系统的现状做了科 学的理论的研究,从船舶制冷系统热力学基础入手,总结了几个主要的制冷方式;对目前 常用的节能方式作了分析;以船舶冷库为例对船舶制冷系统做出了节能设计了;得出了科 学的结论。 论文是通过作者翻阅大量的资料,查出精确的数据的基础上完成的。但限于作者的水 平有限,论文内部尚有值得商榷和改进的地方。并且文屮提出的方案尚无经过实践的检验, 而只是一次尝试,有待进一步改进和完善。 关键词:船舶;制冷;节能 Abstract: Along with energy question day by day prominent,the ships refrigeration systems energy conservation research is valued more and more personfs.Since the beginning of the 21st century, there have been new energy-saving programmes are increasingly emerging.And the ships refrigeration system on energy saving, it is more important significance.This is because ships1 space is limited^can carry the daily necessities and the energy are also limited,therefore, raises the ships refrigeration systems energy conservation efficiency is the present ships refrigeration research should the most important solution question. The paper has made the thorough analysis to ships* energy conservation.The full text divides four parts. Refrigeration system on the ship were the status of a scientific theory to the study, from the ship refrigeration system based on thermodynamics start, summed up the main means of refrigeration; comm only used on an analysis of the energy-saving methods; cold storage ship to ship as an example of refrigeration System has made energy-saving design; reached a scientific conclusion. Papers by the author read a lot of information, accurate data found on the basis of completed.HoweverJimited to the authors level is limited,there are still open to discussion papers and internal improvement. And raised in the programme,there is no practice tests, but only an attempt, to be further improved and perfected? Key words: Sh


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