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COMPANY EQUITY TRANSFER AGREEMENT 公司股权转让协议 CONTENTS Transfer of the Transferred Equity 协议股权的转让 Payment of the Transfer Price 转让价款的支付 Closing 交割 Conditions Precedent to the Closing 交割的先决条件 Representations and Warranties 陈述与保证 Rights and Obligations 权利和义务 Amendment and Termination of the Agreement 协议的变更及终止 Liability for Breach of Contract 违约贵任 Expenses费用的负担 Confidentiality 必威体育官网网址 Indemnification 赔偿 Applicable laws and Dispute Resolutions 适用法律及争议解决 Miscellaneous 其他条款 This Equity Transfer Agreement (this Agreemenf5) is entered into on_ in_ , Peoples Republic of China (the PRCJ, by and between: 本股权转让协议(“本协议)由以下当事方于—LI在屮国_签署: Trans ferors :转让方: Transferee:受让方: The Transferors and the Transferee will be individually referred to as Each Parly and collectively referred to as “(he Parties^. 转让方、受让方单独称为“一方,合称为“备方雹 Whereas, Weihai China Glass Solar Co., Ltd. (the “Company^) is a Sino-foreign equity joint venture company established and validly existing under the laws of the PRC? Solar Thin Films, Inc. contributed USD 1,500,000 to the Company, accounting for 15% of the registered capital of the Company; Renewable Energy Solutions, Inc? contributed USD500,000 to the Company, accounting for 5% of the registered capital of the Company; 光电有限公司(“公司”)系一家依据屮国法律注册成立并有效存续的屮外合资经营企业。Solar Thin Films, Inc.在公司的出资额为150力美元,占公司注册资本的15%; Renewable Energy Solutions, Inc.ffi公司的出资额为50力美元,占公司注册资木的5%; The Transferee is a company established and validly existing under the laws of Hong Kong; 受让方系一家依据香港法律注册成立并冇效存续的公司; Each of the Transferors agrees to transfer its entire capital contribution in the Company (hereinafter referred to as Transferred Equity) to the Transferee; the Transferee agrees to accept the Transferred Equity? 备转让方愿意将备自在公司的出资额(合称为“协议股权”)全部转让给受让方,受让方愿意 受让。 In accordance with the laws and regulations of the PRC, the Parties hereby agree to the equity transfer as follows: 现备方根据屮国现行的法律、法规,经协商一致,就转让股权事宜达成如下协议: Transfer of the Transferred Equity 协议股权的转让 In accordance with the terms and conditions


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