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Unit One 单词; Suppose(假设) you have a lot of money. What are you going to do? How will you spend(花) the money? ;Module 5 Shopping;Learning aims(学习目标);T-shirt; trousers; dress; coat; sweater; jeans; jacket; ……;What colour do you like? (I like) Purple/Green...;What size do you take? (I take) large/medium/small,please.;biscuit; milk; vegetables; water; sugar; meat; bread; cake…;How much is /are....? Its/Theyre...a kilo.;apple banana water melon strawberry lemon…… ;How much would you like? (Id like) ...... kilo(s),please.;Mothers Day; listen and choose ;Listening listen and choose ; Listening listen and answer ;Listening listen and fill ;时间: 内容: 要求:5分钟 1.组长带领快速理解文中的疑难,挑选出常用的购物 所用句型(按照4321的顺序发言交流)。 2. 完成后,组长安排组员大声朗读对话 ; 售货员用语 What can I do for you? 我能为你做什么吗? Can/May I help you? 我能帮助你吗? What size do you take? 你穿什么尺码? May I try it on? 我能试穿一下吗? What else would you like? 你还想要什么? Would you like something else ? 你还想要些别的吗? How many/much would you like? 你要多少? Thirty-eight yuan a kilo 每公斤38元 There is a sale on today. 今天有打折活动。 half price 半价;五折 顾客用语 I’d like to buy… 我想买…… I am looking for… 我正在寻找…… How much is it/ are they? 这/这些多少钱? I’ ll take it 我就买它了 a kilo of beans 一公斤豆子 all right 好的; Work in groups to read the conversation ,make out the difficulties and finish the exercises in the part of language points.;language points 部分答案;Imitation——模仿对话;; May 12th is Mothers Day. Suppose you have 30 yuan . Try to buy a present for your mother. 规则:每个小组设计场景,可以是clothes shop, fruit shop, supermarket, etc. 说的最多,礼物最有创意的小组各加3分 要求:必须用英语!有实物的准备实物,没有的虚拟购物! ; A:What can I do for you? B:I would like( to buy)........for my mum. A:What colour.....? B:........... A:What size......? B:........... A:How much is it/are they? B:......... A:What else would you like? B:Im looking for.... A:How many/much would you like? B:How much is it/ are they? A:...... yuan a kilo B:........... Here is the money.


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