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经皮穿刺神经根阻滞 低温等离子射频治疗 脊神经后支射频穿刺靶点示意图 椎间盘内射频治疗 椎间盘内射频治疗 Intradiscal Thermal Therapy (IDET) Effect of thermal delivery on nociceptors and collagen Intradiscal catherization and delivery of heat to reduce disc bulging but to preserve proteoglycan and collagen structures Pain relieving procedure, and questionable stabilization procedure IDET 62 patients with f/u 1yr 71% improved: SF-36, VAS, sitting tolerance and medication usage 19 % were unchanged Multilevel IDET (29 patients); 71% improved by VAS, and 66% by SF-36 Saal and Saal: Spine, 2000 IDET Results 65 patients 32 single level, 33 double levels F-U: mean=6months 87.7 % improved: VAS 6.2 preop to 4.0 postop, sitting/walking improved 12.3 % poor results 3% had adverse outcomes (different nature of pain postoperatively Wetzel, An et al. ISSLS,2000 Valsava试验 座位 过度吸气 病人作排便动作时憋气 增加腹压 鞘内压力升高 阳性:腰疼或者腿疼加重 股神经牵拉试验 骨盆摇摆试验 椎间盘退行性病变DDD 腰椎稳定性 骶髂关节稳定 髋关节病变 Babinski’s Sign Oppenheim’s Test Clinical Presentation of DDD Many are asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic, episodic Axial LBP with or without referred pain to buttock or posterior thigh Mechanical LBP, worse with sitting Painful forward flexion Imaging: radiographs, MRI, discography 脊髓休克 球海绵体反射 肛门反射 提睾反射 反射中枢 减弱 脊柱退行性疾病 胸腰椎退行性表现 退行性疾病 椎管狭窄 椎间盘突出 退行性滑脱 退行性疾病 随着年龄的增长丢失了正常的组织结构和功能 通常是渐进性的变化,创伤会加速进展 退行性改变不一定都有临床表现 当这种改变引发症状时(多是疼痛),我们称为骨性关节炎 小关节增生是脊柱的一种退行性改变 脊柱的功能单位 肌肉 韧带 相邻的椎体 3关节复合结构:2个小关节和椎间盘 退变通常由一个或更多的关节开始,最终三个关节都会累及 Intervertebral Disc (IVD) NP AF Chondrocytic Phenotype Loose Matrix, Rich in Proteoglycan (resists compressive load) Fibroblastic Phenotype Matrix: Rich in Collagen (resists tensile and shear loads) Structure and function vary depending on zone, species, age, and degeneration Nucleus Pulposus (NP) Annulus Fibrosus (AF) Cartilaginous Endplate (CEP) Inner AF I II III IV V I II III IV V Thompson’s Classification IV V NP repair AF repair Tissue engineering not feasible Matrices of the Intervertebral Disc: Proteoglycan and Collagen 退行性改变的解剖 椎间盘 2个作用 吸震