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华中科技大学文华学院 毕业设计(论文) 前期物业管理存在的问题及对策和解决方案 物业管理的行业己经发展了 20多年,但仍存在许多不尽如人意的地方,特别是很 多物业管理企业,在物业交付使用后很长一段时问内,还难以摆脱施工遗留问题的困扰。 本文通过对前期物业管理含义和现状的陈述,以及H前前期物业管理存在的问题, 并给予相应的措施和方法进行了严谨的阐述。让加强前期物业管理,不但能保证业主的 长远利益,还能减少开发企业在建设过程屮随意改变物业规划,保证物业的施工质量, 达到完善物业的使用功能,促进房产的销售。 为了保证国家正常高速的发展,除了要需姜法律的帮助以外,同吋需要人本身碰到 问题以后要实际解决能力,在现在物业管理尚未发展完善的吋代,前期物业管理的工作 显的尤为重要,前期物业管理的工作需要国家,人民共同维护。 关键词:前期物业管理加强管理解决方法 Abstract Property management industry has developed more than 20 years, but still not satisfactory in many areas, especially the many property management companies, after delivery of the property a long time, but also difficult to shake off the legacy of construction problems. In this paper, the property management through the pre-statement of the meaning and the status quo, as well as property management is currently pre-existing problems, and give the appropriate measures and methods of strict. Allow to strengthen the pre-property management, not only to ensure the long?teiTn interests of the owners, but also to reduce the development of enterprises in the constmction process of change in property planning, to ensure the construction quality of the property to improve the functional use of the property to promote the sale of real estate. In order to ensure the normal development of high-speed, in addition to the need for outside legal help, at the same time meet the needs of their own practical solutions to issues beyond the capacity of the current property management that have not yet developed the era of the early work of property management is particularly important in a significant, pre - property management requires countries to jointly safeguard the people. Key words: pre-property management solutions to strengthen the management 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 摘要 2 关键词 2 Abstract 3 HYPERLINK \l bookmark4前期物业管理的概述 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark61」目前物业发展特点 5 1.1.1自负盈亏白主经营 5 1」.2物业的所有权与管理权分离 5 1.1.3物业管理及收费标准由市场形成 5 1」.4各国的物业管理模式均结合白己国情 符合各白特点 5 1.1.5政府在物业管理屮发挥了重要作用 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark81.2目前物业管


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