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Module 1 Deep South It is probably the coldest place on the Earth. It is the only place where not inhabited by human beings. It is the home to penguins. lead in Welcome to Antarctica 义县高级中学 宫晓霞 It is the most southern point on the Earth. The temperature all year is at -60℃~-80℃,and often wind up to 12 of the storm raging on the continent The surface is covered with snow or in the ice cap. There are high mountain ranges. The rare sight of Antarctica is unique on earth Aurora Glacier skua 贼鸥 krill 磷虾 penguins 企鹅 seal 海豹 moss 苔藓 Lichen 地衣 Algae 藻类 scientific research value There are still many mysteries waiting for us to explore, of course, the protection of the Antarctica is the duty of mankind. Look through the whole passage and find out the main idea of each para: Para 1 Para2 Para3 Para4 Para 5 Plants and animals The discovery of Antarctica The land The Antarctic Treaty A great place for researchers fast reading careful reading Read the passage carefully and then finish the exercises of each paragraph. A high mountain range Be permanently covered in the ice cap ______ about 14 million square kilometers, it is the fifth largest continent in the world. The Trans-Antarctic range runs from east to west, _______ the continent in two. So most of its fresh water is_______________ annual rainfall close to zero stronge winds It is a __________ place. The land Covering cutting in a frozen state inhospitable Paragraph 1 ___________________ Size : Surface: Climate Paragraph 2 Plants and animals 1. The land is full of ________ such as different types of penguins, flying birds, seals and whales because they have __________ its extreme conditions. 2. why can few types of plants survive there? _________________________________________ Is there anything else valuable to explore in Antarctica wildlife adapted to Because of its long winter night, the extreme cold and lack of rainfall. paragraph 3 A great place for
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