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Chapter 6 Science and Technology ;A brief introduction of Chinese Science and Technology;Ancient Science and Technology;Modern Science and Technological Achievements;;The four Major Inventions compass;Compass ;Usages of the compass voyages;voyages to the “western ocean”;The four Major Inventions Papermaking;;Cai Lun Paper;;Traditional festival-Tomb sweeping day;The four Major Inventions Gunpowder;;The four Major Inventions Printing;;~\(≧▽≦)/~;Movable type printing;Chapter 6 Science and Technology;Discussion : what’s the difference between TCM and Western medicine? ;Traditional medicine is based on the premise(前提)that the cause of sickness is an imbalance and blockage(阻塞、堵塞) of the flow of qi.;;Four diagnostic methods:;The most famous medical experts in ancient China ;;Fireworks Abacus Silk Porcelain Seismograph Anaesthetic Weiqi ;;Modern Major Scientific and Technological Achievements;Introduction;Contents;Five-stroke code computer input method(五笔字型汉字输入法) Great Wall scientific inspection station at the South Pole(南极长城科学观察站) Nuclear power stations in China(中国的核电站) Research, development and application of super-conductivity(超导体) Positive and negative electron collider(正负电子对撞机) 2.16 metre optical celestial telescope (光学天文望远镜) Yuan Longping and hybrid rice(杂交水稻) Shenzhou V(神舟五号)and Shenzhou VI(神舟六号) ;Nuclear bomb(原子弹爆炸);Oil production (油田生产);Synthetic crystalline bovine insulin(合成结晶牛胰岛素);First man-made satellite (第一颗人造卫星)No.1Dongfanghong 东方红一号;Breakthrough in Goldbach’s Conjecture (哥德巴赫猜想) ;;He proved that any sufficient even number could be the product of a prime numbers plus at most two other prime numbers (abbreviated as 1+2). “任一充分大的偶数都可以表示成二个素数的和,或是一个素数和一个半素数(两个素数的乘积所得的自然数)的和”。 4=2+2,6=3+3,8=5+3, 10=7+3,12=7+5,14=11+3,…… ; Nucleotide 核苷酸; Five-stroke code computer input method;Chinese Scientific Survey Stations; Nuclear power s


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