初中英语_新目标英语 八年级下册Unit 6 Section B 2a教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

初中英语_新目标英语 八年级下册Unit 6 Section B 2a教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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教学设计 本堂课是八下第六单元Section B 阅读泛读课内容。 一.就教学内容而言,本堂课是格林童话《糖果屋》节选,以戏剧的体裁出现,节选内容中心是韩赛尔通过机智与勇气两次尝试自救以求逃出森林的故事。通过对本部分教材的分析,首先将教学设计的着眼点放在两方面,一是泛读课范畴,了解大意,抓住细节,了解人物情节以及反映出人物的思想个性特点,其次是戏剧特点的层层渗透,从戏剧体裁的语言特点,到戏剧剧本的组成—不同场景设置的不同幕,人物对白为主,偶有旁白,常有背景的简单介绍等特点在一步步阅读活动中得以渗透,使学生不仅在获取语言知识和信息,提高阅读技巧和能力的同时,得到文学艺术的熏陶。 二.就学生而言,本堂课内容对学生有一定难度,学生对体裁基本没有接触,对故事内容不了解,这就使得教学设计必须关注到学生的接受能力。但同时,戏剧的体裁很新颖,学生对此很感兴趣,而节选内容出自格林童话,是非常吸引学生的部分,教学设计中可以充分利用这一优势,发挥13 岁孩子的优势,表演模仿,能很大程度调动积极性,但考虑到到学生生源,自身学习水平的局限性,在设计各项活动时,给予更多的引导,提示和鼓励,降低一定的难度,让学生能更多的参与到教学活动中来。 基于以上两点的总体考虑,我进行了以下教学活动的设计,通过阅读旨在让学生了解《糖果屋》节选剧情,感知人物在剧情中表现的性格特点,了解戏剧体裁的特点,最后能够简单模仿表演人物对话,简单讲述故事情节,能学习主人公优秀品质—勇敢机智。 Teaching material analysis: 1) The topic in this unit is to tell a story. It is really interesting. And it can easily arouse students’ interests. The content in this class is the reading part in section B. It is a part of a fairy tale, but it is written in a form of play. 2) Students have never seen this kind of passage—play, especially the western play. So they have no idea of this literature form. At the same time, most of them don’t know the story well– Hansel and Gretel. Therefore, it is a little difficult for them to understand the whole tale and play. In order to make this class interesting and effective, I make the following teaching aims: Knowledge aims: 1. Be able to know the new words and phrases: stepmother. wife, husband, whole, scene, moonlight, ground, brave, shining bright 2.Be able to know the story of Hansel and Gretel. Ability aims: be able to use new words and phrases to express meanings or retell the story. be able to use the reading strategy to help get information they need: 1)before reading, students could find out the text type---a play. 2)during reading, students could skim the text to get the main idea by finding the key words in the context or guessing. 3) During reading, students could scan the text to find some details about the story. Emotional aims: be able to learn to cooperate with group members to f



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