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§6.3 Detailed balance principle This indicates that for the motion reversal, probability is invariant: Time reversal invariance. 2. The principle of detailed balance For the space-time reflection symmetry, the transition matrix elements for the forward and backward processes should be equal. ——detailed balance principle. 3. Examples C is phase space factor, cm the center of mass. One should sum all the final states and average over the initial state. 1950’s, Marshak, Cheston, Cartwright, Durbin 等人用来确定π介子的自旋. 4. Electric diploe (ED) of neutrons Given a definite parity for the particle then its expectation value must be zero, in that the electric dipole has the odd parity. For a spin ? particle, the ED should also be strictly zero due to the T symmetry. Note:Parity violation can also leads to nonzero ED, so we need consider (1)Weak interaction that violates the parity, with magnitude GFMp2 (2)EM interaction that violates T symmetry with the magnitude g=o/e,the ratio of T-odd and T-even matrix element. 对于弱作用,强子的非轻子衰变(K0等)破坏T 对称性。 CPT联合变换的不变性? §6.4 CPT定理 所有相互作用过程,在CP和T变换的联合作用下具有不变性, 不管它们的顺序如何放置。这是相对论协变场论的内在性质, 比如正反粒子的对称性蕴含在Dirac方程中。 但CPT联合变换,没有守恒量 此外,可以证明:正反粒子具有相同的总寿命、电荷、旋磁比(gyromagnetic ratio)g. §7.同位旋(Isospin)、规范对称性(gauge symmetry)、手征对称性 (chiral symmetry), 相互作用(interaction) §7.1 同位旋 1)质子数和中子数互易的镜像核(mirror nuclei)具有几乎相同的结合(binding energy)能(其结合能差仅为库仑能差)、相似的能级(energy level)分布和相同的自旋. 2)在轨角量子数 l 和自旋量子数s分别相同时,p—p散射与n—p散射的相角相同、散射长度(scattering length)相近、有效力程(force range)相同;在l=0,s=0的1s态,相互作用能都近似为11.9 MeV. 3)入射核子能量相等时,在所有散射角下,p-p和n-n弹性散射的微分截面和总截面分别相等. 1932年,海森伯指出:在原子核内,状态相同的质子和质子、质子和中子、中子和中子之间的核力相等,与其是否带电无关;1932年,Wigner采用了类似于自旋的表述,1937年取名为同位旋(Isotopic spin, Isobaric spin.今天为Isospin). 这在1937年为实验证实,1946—1955年间为更精确的实验证实.Vpp=Vnn和Vpp=Vnn=Vnp的准确性分别大于99%和98%. Nucleon Isospin π介子同位旋 超荷与奇异性 粒子电荷与同位旋第三分量 Quantities of mesons and baryons SU(2)对称性与生成元,Symmetry and generator Isospin conservation:[I,H]=0. §7.2 gauge symmetry A typical instance for gauge transformat



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