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PAGE Module 4 Great Scientists 模块脉图·素养导引 聆听经典·话题热身 We Are One 是哈萨克斯坦男歌手迪玛希·库达依别列根(Dimash Kudaibergen)演唱的一首歌曲。2017年1月, 作为首发歌手参加湖南卫视音乐竞技节目《歌手》, 最终获得总决赛亚军。本歌曲为一首抗疫歌曲, 在2020年新冠肺炎肆虐时期, 极大地鼓舞了人心。? 注: 听音填空 We Are One Hello, my friends ①from afar? Over the sea we bring the love So hard to see you fight alone We are one big family United we are strong It’s not the time to ②run away? Share the ③cure And heal the pain ④Across the borders? Fight for you We are here for each other United be strong When we’re walking in the rain Hand in hand we heal the pain Stand together fight as one to the end We are one  We are one We fight to save the world Together we will rise and we will shine When we’re walking in the rain Hand in hand we heal the pain Stand together Fight as one to the end Share ⑤ joy and sorrow? No longer stay apart Together we will rise and we will shine 观点态度类试题 此类试题主要考查考生对说话者好恶褒贬的态度以及情绪变化的把握。特别需要注意说话者的“弦外之音”, 也就是揣摩说话人的意图。 常见的设问方式: What does the woman think of. . . ? How did the man feel about. . . ? What’s their opinion of. . . ? 解题方法: 要利用对话双方的语气、语调揣摩对方隐含的观点及态度。 由表及里, 通过对话中的重要细节、具体事实等推断说话者的意图观点。 特别注意but等转折词和一些语法结构的应用, 如虚拟语气表示与事实相反的情况等。 【即时训练】 1. What does the woman think of the novel she’s reading? A. Disappointing.    B. Ordinary. C. Interesting. 2. How does the woman probably feel now? A. Excited.   B. Tired.   C. Sad. 3. What does the woman mean? A. The suit didn’t fit the man. B. The man didn’t budget carefully. C. The man needn’t buy the suit. 答案: 1~3. CBB 【听力原文】 Text 1 M: You read a lot, don’t you? W: Yeah, as long as it doesn’t affect my study. I like the novel I’m reading now. Ever since I started reading it, I have been forgetting my meals. Text 2 W: I’d like to see a film today. Please buy a ticket for me when you pass the cinema. M: For what film? W: I really don’t mind what film it is. I just want to relax in the cinema. Text 3 M: I really want to buy the suit I saw in the shopping mall, but I can’t afford it. W: If



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