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“中年危机”叙述的自我救赎与反思 ——电影《大笨象》(Pop Aye)的编剧特色与主题阐释 颜小芳 (广西师范学院文学院,广西,南宁,530001) 摘要:由广西新影响文化投资集团有限公司出品、新加坡长景路电影工作室制作、陈敬音导演及编剧、泰国演员主演,中国、新加坡、泰国三方合作的电影《大笨象》是2018年广西民族影城“泰国电影展”的四部电影中分量最重的电影,它通过女性独特视角讲述了一名泰国男性面临中年危机时自我救赎的心路历程,而大象为了人类的发展进步,已经且正在承受苦难。大象的生存危机,不仅是泰国传统农业文明衰落的表现,也是世界工业文明和商业资本对乡土文明侵蚀破坏的结果。这部电影超越了一般电影叙述的“中年危机”主题和“公路电影”类型,表达了对人类整个生态文明状况的担忧和对人类自我中心立场的批判,是一部具有深刻反思意味的好电影。 关键词:大笨象;中年危机;泰国;救赎;反思 Self-Redemption and Reflection in the Narration of “Middle-Age Crisis ”——Analysis on the Story and Theme of the Film Pop Aye Yan Xiaofang ( School of Literature, Guangxi Teachers’ Education University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530001 ) Abstract: The film Pop Aye,produced by New Influence Culture Investment Group Limited Company of Guangxi, maded by Changjinglu Film Studio of Singapore, directed and written by Chen jingyin, cooperated with actors and actresses of Thailand, which is a collaboration between China, Singapore and Thailand, is the most important movie among the four ones during the Thailand Films Exhibition in Guangxi National Film City in 2018. It tells the story of a Thai man facing a mid-life crisis from a unique perspective of female director, showing the process of self-redemption, which made us think in deep. Elephants have been suffering for the development and progress of mankind. Their life crisis is not only the representation of the decline of Thailands traditional agricultural civilization, but also the result of the erosion and destruction of local civilization by industrial civilization and commercial capital. The film tells much more than Mid-Life Crisis , and it is not just a road movie, it also concerns about the overall ecological civilization of human beings. Moreover, it has a critique of human ego-centric standpoint. Above all, it is a excellent movie with a profound spirit of reflection needed by human beings. Key words: Pop Aye; Middle-age Crisis: Thailand; Redemption; Reflection 2018年9月14日至17日,广西民族影城展出了四部泰国电影,它们分别是《超重警官》、《悲美》、


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