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Word Word文档 温友是表征输体冷热程度的%理走,是工农业生产过租中一个很重要而普變的茨数。由于温 度测量的普遍性,温皮传感森的数量A各科传威森中居看住。温度柱制的发晨引入单片机后,可 以阵低对某些硬件电琳的要求。坎于单片机的温度拉制系统,可以卖现对温友的祐确柱制。 本文以温圭为研丸对象,以AT89C51单片机为核心所卖现的锻度拉制系诡具有旬动兜成数 拇采集.数据处理、数据转换桩制、純盘终端处理及显承的功能。生实际锻度低于设岌值,PTC 进行加热,反之PTC就停止加热。卖际温度起上限或者低下限对,余疣旬动掖警。温度拉制釆用 的是双.伐拴制,简单禺行A?箱度要求不是箱别高的温蚩,可行度.很高。 黃后对系诡进行调比幷A PROTEUS里仿真,结果表明该余统虑理可行。又心一个小喳间进 行试捡,镁差a. iya右,结果符金预期。运行稳楚.拴制败果好、性价比高。 关键词:单片机,温度推制,DS18B20,锻左 Abstract Temperature is the physical quantity characterizing the temperature extent of objects; it is an im porta nt and general parameter in industrial and agricultural productio n process. Due to the universality of temperature measurement. the quantity of temperature sensor occupies first place among various sensors? It can lower the requirements of some circuits after introducing the development of temperature control into microc on trailer unit. It can also achieve precise control of the temperature, based on the temperature control system of microcontroller unit. In this article, greenhouse is the object of study. The temperature control system which takes AT89C51 as the core has the function of automatic complete data acquisition. data processing, data con version control, keyboard terminal processing and displa y. When the actual temperature is below the set value, PTC starts heating, on the contrary, it stops heating? When the actual temperature exceeds the upper or lower limit, the system gives an alarm automatically. Temperature control is simple and easy with a dual position control. It is highly feasible in the greenhouse where the accuracy requirements are less strict. The results shows the principle is available after debugging the system and simulating in Proteus, we also con ducted the same trial in a smaller room, and the error is about 1X\ which is in line with expectations. The system is stable, easy to control and cost-effective? Keyword: microcontroller unit, temperature control, DS18B20. greenhouse TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 摘要 I Abstract I 1 录 II 第一*


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