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THE RUSSIAN PUBLIC ORGANIZATION « THE UNION OF SOCIAL EDUCATORS AND SOCIAL WORKERS » MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF SOCIAL WORKERS THE ETHICAL GUIDELINE OF SOCIAL EDUCATOR AND SOCIAL WORKER MOSCOW - 2003 T he Ethic al Guideline of Soc ial worker and Social Educ ator – the me mbe rs of the Rus sia n public orga niz ation «the Union of soc ial educ a tors and socia l worke rs », Mosc ow , 2003. The pre se nt Guideline is deve lope d on the ba s is of re c omme ndations of the Inte rna tional Fe de ra tion of soc ia l worke rs and it re pre sents the doc ume nt in whic h the ba sic , ba s e principle s and va lues of soc ia l and socia l - pe dagogic a l work connec ted w ith re a liza tion of the profe ss ional duties by e xpe rts of soc ia l sphere a re sta te d. The ove rall obje ctive of «the Ethic al Guide line of soc ia l worke r and soc ial e duc a tor» is to de fine and de te rmine ethic a l princ iple s and mora l pos itions of the pe rs on (c lie nt), the expe rt (s ocia l worker and soc ia l educ a tor) and the soc ie ty (various ins titutes of the s ociety) during the ir inte ra ction in s a tis fying the clie nt’s socia l ne e ds . C ommis s ion of expe rts from the Union of soc ia l educa tors and soc ia l worke rs pa rt ic ipa te d in co mpi li ng of the gi ve n Eth ic al Gui de li ne of me mb e r s the Union of s ocia l educ a tors a nd soc ia l worke rs . The c ommis s ion wa s he a ded by the vic e -pre s ide nt of the Union of soc ia l educa tors and soc ia l worke rs, the ac a de micia n of the Rus sia n A c ade my of Natural Sc ie nc e s, doctor of philos ophy, profes s or Lipsky


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