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PAGE PAGE 14 内容摘要 随着生活质量的不断的提高,人们对饮食与养生逐渐注重起来,像《粤味师傅 粤味佛山》、《阿爷厨房》、《舌尖上的中国》等类似纪录片节目在佛山也开始流行起来,受广府文化影响,佛山美食经过漫长的演变成为人们口中的“粤菜”特色,早茶和甜点更是名扬四海。乡愁不再是一枚小小得邮票,而是味觉上的思念,即使时间改变,做法一样,也不一定能有印象中当时气氛下的味道。 本文主要从美食出发,了解美食背后的文化习俗,探究有效的拍摄方法、插画设计方法。通过走访当地老字号与老前辈,品尝传统美食,结合书籍文献,再由组内成员共同讨论剧本,在剧本的实际拍摄过程中,探索美食文化记录片的最佳拍摄、宣传方法。当中涉及研究插画设计、摄影与剪辑技巧在佛山美食文化的探索与研究的推动作用。 关键词:□佛山美食文化 □美食拍摄技巧 £ 美食剪辑技巧 □美食插画设计 Abstract With constant improvement of the quality of life, people on diet and health gradually pay attention to it, like Guangdong taste master and the cantonese flavor of Foshan, Grandpa kitchen and on the tip of the tongue of China are similar to the documentary program also became popular in Foshan, affected by the Guangfu culture, foshan food after a long evolution into the mouths of cantonese characteristic, morning tea and dessert was legendary.Homesickness is no longer a small stamp, but a taste of missing, even if the time changes, do the same, also may not be able to remember the atmosphere of the flavor. This paper mainly starts from the food, understand the cultural customs behind the food, explore effective shooting methods, illustration design methods.By visiting local time-honored brands and old-timers, tasting traditional food, combining with books and literature, and then discussing the script with the members of the group, the best way to shoot and publicize the food culture documentary was explored during the actual shooting process of the script.It involves the research on the role of illustration design, photography and editing skills in the exploration and promotion of Foshan cuisine culture. Key words: □ Foshan food culture □ Foodskills □ Food editing skills □ Food illustration design 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 17028 1研究背景 1 14712 1.1研究的目的与意义 1 22532 1.2研究的方法 1 31385 2佛山美食文化概述 2 16094 2.1早茶文化与习俗概述 2 14839 2.2当地老字号概述与美食推荐 3 19744 3特色美食做法与习俗介绍的剧本编写 4 12728 3.1酥角 4 26469 3.2猪脚姜 4 8943 3.3双皮奶 5 1486 3.4清汤羊肉 5 23340 3.5香煎白鳝 5 26069 4视频制作


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