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毕业设计(论文) 题 目 ××小区室外区域TD-LTE 室内分布系统新建工程施工图设计 学生毕业设计(论文)原创性声明 本人以信誉声明:所呈交的毕业设计(论文)是在导师的指导下进行的设计(研究)工作及取得的成果,设计(论文)中引用他(她)人的文献、数据、图件、资料均已明确标注出,论文中的结论和结果为本人独立完成,不包含他人成果及为获得重庆工程学院或其它教育机构的学位或证书而使用其材料。与我一同工作的同志对本设计(研究)所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 毕业设计(论文)作者(签字): 年 月 日 重庆工程学院本科生毕业设计 摘 要 摘 要 随着城市的快速发展,网络用户同时也在快速增长着;网络的覆盖、容量、质量方面的要求也同时不断的提高着。城市中的建筑物会吸收和屏蔽信号,形成一些弱覆盖区域和盲点区域,达不到网络覆盖的要求;人流量大的区域,移动电话的使用密度很大,网络容量不能满足要求;所以就需要建设室内分布系统。 本次设计主要是ⅹⅹ小区室外区域的TD-LTE室内分布系统的新建工程施工图设计;主要是用无源器件对小区内的楼房高层区域、低层区域及路面区域进行TD-LTE的网络覆盖,解决了弱覆盖区域、盲点区域;无源器件主要在天馈部分,同时很大程度上提升了系统的稳定性,降低了后期的运行维护成本;工程建成过后,小区内的网络覆盖面积达到百分之九十五以上,使小区内的覆盖范围、网络容量以及网络质量能够满足用户的需求。 关键词:室内分布 TD-LTE 覆盖范围 重庆工程学院本科生毕业设计 ABSTRACT ABSTRACT With the rapid development of the city, network users are also growing rapidly; the requirements for network coverage, capacity, and quality are also constantly improving. Buildings in cities will absorb and shield signals, forming weak coverage areas and blind spot areas, which will not meet the requirements of network coverage. In areas with large traffic, mobile phones are used in a high density, and network capacity cannot meet the requirements; An indoor distribution system needs to be built. This design is mainly for the construction of new construction drawings of the TD-LTE indoor distribution system in the outdoor area of the xx community; it mainly uses passive components to carry out TD-LTE network coverage for the high-rise areas, low-level areas and pavement areas of the buildings. The weak coverage area and blind spot area are solved; the passive components are mainly in the antenna feeder part, which greatly improves the stability of the system and reduces the operation and maintenance cost in the later stage; after the completion of the project, the network coverage area in the cell reaches 100. More than 95%, the cov



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