One Story A Day小学八月(加拿大).docx

One Story A Day小学八月(加拿大).docx

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8-1 Red Jelly There was a jar of jelly in the kitchen cupboard -- a very big jar of jelly. The jelly was red. Sarah really wanted it. But the jar was very high, and Sarah was very small. Sarah climbed a chair. Then, she climbed a cupboard. Sarah put her foot on the counter and reached up. She stretched and stretched. The jelly jar was very close now. But Sarah started to wobble. She started to fall. Quickly Sarah grabbed the jar of jelly and fell to the floor with a loud BANG! The jelly jar fell to the floor and broke. There was red jelly everywhere. Sarah cried. Mom comforted Sarah and cleaned up the jelly. She then opened another jar of jelly and made a sandwich for Sarah. “Don’t cry,” said mom, “just remember to ask when you want something.” Sarah ate her sandwich. The jelly was very, very good indeed. 8-2 Fire and Ice Today, our teacher asked the class what things can burn us. Everyone thought this was an easy question to answer. “Fire can burn us.” we said. Touch your finger to a flame and you will get burnt. You will get a big blister on your finger. “The sun will burn you too if you stay out in it too long on hot summer days.” “Right” our teacher said. “Fire will burn, so will the sun. Can you think of anything else?” “Boiling water or hot steam.” we said. “Good.” said our teacher, “Many hot things can burn you. But did you that something cold can also burn you?” We laughed. How can something cold burn? Our teacher continued. “When your skin touches something extremely cold for a long time, it can get damaged. This is called a cold burn.” We learned something amazing today. Hot or cold, fire or ice -- many things can burn us. 8-3 First Man in Space (I) Our world keeps changing. We didn’t always have computers, the internet or even cars! But there have always been very smart and very brave people who came up with interesting ideas. Some of the smartest and bravest people were those who first went into space. America, Russia, Europe and China have a


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