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词词汇汇过过关关练练习习题题 ((五五)) 试卷总分:50 答题时间:45分钟 一一、、选选择择题题 1. All of hem _________ echnical innova ions.[5分]正确答案 (A) A are absorbed in B a e absorbing in C are absorbed o D are absorbing o 2. All of us were_________ ha he old man could walk on his hands.[5分]正确答案 (B) A shocked B amazed C frigh ened D pleased 3. All s uden s _________a loud laugh when Prof, Henry Mi chell old hem he joke. [5分]正确答案 (B) A le off B le ou C le down D le go 4. ________ all he difficul ies, she finished he projec by herself.[5分]正确答案 (D) A As for B In spi e C Besides D Despi e 5. All he informa ion we have collec ed in rela ion o ha case _________ very li le. [5分]正确答案 (B) A makes up for B adds up o C comes up wi h D pu s up wi h 6. All he leading newspapers _________ he rade alks be ween China and he Uni ed S a es. [5分]正确答案 (A) A repor ed B prin ed C announced D published 7. All hings are in errela ed wi h and in erac ________ each o her.[5分]正确答案 (B) A from B on C in D down 8. All workers in his fac ory are required o ________ a he age of 60.[5分]正确答案 (B) A resign B re ire C res rain D re rea 9. Alone in London, wi hou friends, work or money, Shelley fell in o ________ [5分]正确答案 (A) A despair B disappoin men C dissa isfac ion D disgus 10. Al hough archi ec ure has ar is ic qualifies, i mus also sa isfy a number of impor an prac ical ________ [5分]正确答案 (C) A obliga ions B observa ions C considera ions D regula ions


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