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词词汇汇过过关关练练习习题题 ((八八)) 试卷总分:50 答题时间:45分钟 一一、、选选择择题题 1. Amer can women were _________ the r ght to vote unt l 1920 after many years of hard struggle. [5分]正确答案 (C) A gnored B neglected C den ed D refused 2. An argument was _________ because they d sl ked each other so ntensely.[5分]正确答案 (C) A poss ble B probable C nev table D dec s ve 3. An elephant’s trunk s ts most not ceable ________ [5分]正确答案 (B) A Spec f c B character st c C pecul ar D part cular 4. An mals can become usually_________ when they are upset by a sudden env ronmental change. [5分]正确答案 (C) A v gorous B predom nant C aggress ve D rr table 5. Anyth ng that s able to flow as l qu d s a k nd of ________ substance.[5分]正确答案 (C) A mob le B var able C flu d D movable 6. Anyth ng that s dropped from a he ght falls towards t le center of the earth because of the pull of _________.[5分]正确答案 (C) A we ght B attract on C grav ty D dens ty 7. Appl cants are _________to prov de ev dence that the r Engl sh s good enough to study n the Un ted States.[5分]正确答案 (C) A demanded B obl ged C due D necessary 8. Are the apples __________enough to eat yet?[5分]正确答案 (D) A mature B b g C adult D r pe 9. Are you ________ when you say that you w ll help me?[5分]正确答案 (C) A honest B frank C s ncere D profound 10. _________ are you to leave your post.[5分]正确答案 (B) A In any case B In no case C W thout quest on D Out of the quest on


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