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20 1 3海淀区初三期末考试英语试卷及答案(仅笔试部分) 肿运用供25分) 四、单醐空供13分,軒题1分) 从緬旅解的A、H、C、DBH贓中.醐可旗人前处的雕醐c 22. Tom Hanks is a great aclor and we love movies. 札his himself 23. Peter is playing volleyball the playground. 24, A. Which B, lo C. ?n I),而 sweater do you prefer, llie yellow or ihr green one? (:,How inuny I). HoKlWrh 25, Il is snowing! Please put on your (斓, B. so C. or you will caleh a cold Dr IhiI 丿侔级.妬獄題第3页(共12页) than h forr. than h forr. 26. This term evcnonr in nn c lass works muc h hnnl B. harder C. hard 函 I). lhe hardest 27. Rgi likes music is arul genlle. 28. Id A. G. 29. that like In g any where amazing amazing anywlirrr Next SiiikLiv, I A. study C. havf sluliel 30. I B. nhat C? R. I). who amazing some when, al lh* librar、with nn ckissnuitrs. IL I). Mike siiur h* movrl Io anothe r town A. MM* C. I). when- 31 . Kdtliy moonlains in auhimii. A. climb B. (:. 32. llu* doctor asked me nol A. to vat B. eat am going to sludy Iu?l shuhfd with hiji (atnily. huveifl fri to climb loo many canli(:b. IPs bad lor in) C. eating I). I). won*l st*r climbing Irrlh. 33. The firsl television in America in 1927. C. is inaclt1 C. is inaclt1 I), was malc rnak es R? nuulr 34. Cim vou tell y《*May? By tlic lime I g)1 oulsilr, dir bus lial liirfiKly IdL v%liy vhi v%liy vhi -oine late whv IhI vou corm* late (:. whv you (Utinr lair 五、完形填空(共】2分,每小题I分) 阅读下面的短文?的握其大慮.然后从短文后各题所给的仕.C. I)四个选项中. 选择最佳选项 35 uii^)rtunalelvw lx- wa 35 uii^)rtunalelvw lx- wa、 alua$ trrjlecl difitrenlk from rv^nnne else. Children 36 dial dwy would hurt him. alullh aclrl like hr was unabk^ Io uiukrstand lht*in. as if he has a Reggie didift like this v(*r mucli. Bui lhe jwnMm who di昂iked il lhe mosl was his iri^ml 九年级英语试题第4页(共12页) Midiu I. who decided that ihinga had m be 37 . Michaels fallwr was thr lowifs Mayor, and Micharl miuuifpd Io cirivitur him lhal thn year, in honor of R。函a, they should offer one day to M people. During that whole day everyone in town would have io 38 earplugs (可发). People lih-d ihr iilea, becaus


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